Wednesday, February 29, 2012

=D ....

I'll keep it short and sweet...
I wish the smiley face in my title could truly capture how I'm feeling.  Proud, stronger, and....well...a little sore. =P
Yesterday was day 1 that I worked out. I worked out with Michaele and we did a great job! But today, Michaele had to close her store and didn't expect to be out before 2am, so I decided I was going to go alone after work. Keep in mind, I work two jobs.  Today was one of the days that I had to work both.  Not usually so bad except, today sucked. We were busy at Subway, I was tired, because we were busy, I fell behind on all of my closing duties because we were busy and rather than getting out at 10:30 like I'm used to, I get out 5 minutes after 11.  That made my work day a 13 1/2 hour day.  All I wanted to do was go home and go straight to bed. However, I made this commitment and if I want to see results, I have to follow through, so I went to the gym.  I told myself a max of a half hour. That's all I had in me....45 minutes later I was in a cool down walk.  I LOVED it!  Granted, I know I'm only on day two and still in the "honeymoon" stage, but I, Leah, the girl that battles with insecurities and giving in to what is "easy," took the hard route and worked out...alone...while other people were in the gym!  I'm sore, yes, but that will pass. I'm just proud that I did it alone! I proud that I did it at all!!! =D

Now that I'm WAY past my bedtime....I'm going to call it a night so I can face another 13 hour day tomorrow. But no workout. It's my one day off this week. =)

Much Love!


Kait said...

That is AWESOME!!

Mrs. D said...

You got this girl! Don't let the fire die over a silly cold. :) That's what Satan wants! He knows how empowered you were feeling and wanted to bring you down. I'm asking God to lift you up and get you to the gym with me, because I truly believe you will feel better after. Love ya!

Erica said...

What positive post! I glad you stuck with it! Can't wait to read more!