Friday, December 19, 2008

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow????

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful..." I'll stop there. It's been a few months since my last post, but today feels like the perfect day to post. Today is the sort of day I wish I were still in Texas, or in Hawaii...or any place that the temp is above freezing and there's NOT 10 inches of snow and it's still falling...Yeah. Welcome to Michigan.
The above is the radar for Michigan today. This storm is just barely half way finished, and let me tell you - it's NASTY out there. I'm looking out my window at work and it's coming down hard. My trip into work took about an hour and 20 minutes when it's usually only a half hour drive. I had to stop 3 times to clear of my windshield and wiper blades, and at one point, I wasn't even sure which southbound lane I was in...I was probably riding in both of 'em.'s that bad. I don't think it's going to get any better for most of the day. I will admit, it's really pretty...but it's cold and the roads are HORRIBLE. So, to all of you Michiganders out there in this slow and be safe (and have fun if you've got snow "toys"). For all of you other people NOT affected by this weather - I'd be more than willing to ship some your way. =0)

Have a Blessed Day (whether it be white or not).

Friday, September 12, 2008

You Have GOT to be Kidding Me!!!

I don't usually post more than once per day, but on my drive back to work from lunch, I heard Ryan Seacrest on the radio talking about this new book that has come out and it ticked me off SO much, I just HAD to blog about it. The book is written by a new author, Dante Moore and the title of the book is: The Re-Education of the Female." Supposedly, it's a book that guides single women in their quest for a relationship, and how to find a "great catch" and keep him. Before I continue, this man took a whole 7 months **wow! shocker!** (note sarcasm) to "research" it. I haven't read it yet, but from the little I've heard about it, it didn't take much research at all because it seems to be pure opionion of his. There seems to be nothing to support what he claims. So here goes my opinion:

First: I think the man is a less than intelligent human being when it comes to relationships and women (aka: an idiot). The first thing that bothers me about this book is what he has to say about what it takes to find a "great catch" and keep him (what I heard on the radio) : "Your responsibilities (!!) include cooking, staying skinny, wearing sexy things around the house and doing whatever your man tells you to do." He also goes on to say "Here's a little secret ladies: men never really ask for anything. They command...And believe me, what you won't do, ten broads around the corner will." Wait...WHAT?!? There are SO many things wrong with that statement!!!! First, if you're going to write a book to women, you DON'T call them broads. Secondly, if the man that you "catch" is willing to run to the "10 broads around the corner" when his woman isn't willing to bow to his every command, then he's not really a catch!!! **moron** It's call loyalty and commitment. They are essential cornerstones to a great relationship! I could go on with everything wrong with this statement, but I'm going to move on...I can feel my blood pressure rising as we speak, but I think you get my point.

The second thing that bothers me is the fact that he says he would prefer someone "...size 10 or under..." that statement itself doesn't really bother me, because I know that men have their preferences, just like women. So he wants her small...that's fine. However he catorgizes the rest of the male population into his "size 10 or under" catagory by saying "The fatter you get, the more you decrease your potential single-man pool. Let me give you an example. When you go to the grocery store to shop, do you pick out the nastiest-looking, most rotten, smelliest fruit or meat you can find? Oh, you don't? Why not?...It's the same with men when they see baby elephant-sized, out-of-shape women." Unbelievable!! Not only is it degrading to your "audience" of women,. but not ALL men are pigs like that. I know women that eat healthy, exercise, and maintain a nice, clean appearance. However: they are overweight. Just because someone is overweight does not mean she doesn't take care of her self or she is "rotten, smelly and nasty looking." Just a little side note: according to one of the people at his book signing - he himself is a heavyset man. Hypocritical? I would say so. I would really like to meet this man so I can give him a piece of my mind. These are only two things from his book, but I'm sure there is plenty in there to cause a rise in blood pressure in women all around the country....

You're probably going to think I'm crazy (considering my rant above), but I'm actually going to read this book. I want to know what all he says and how off the mark he is. I've not been lucky enough to have a long term relationship yet, but I have seen many successful relationships and marriages around me and none of them require the woman to jump and the man's every order. Each of these relationships have compromise, understanding, honesty, and loyalty, and trust as their cornerstone (after Christ). It's a give and take. That's the way relationships are supposed to be. No commands of any one person. Commands are for dogs, not humans, especially not women. Anyone that would willing enter into a relationship where they have be the man's toy either has no self-esteem or no self-respect. I believe we are worth more than what this man talks about because I have a father and other males in my life that have shown me that, but not every woman has that, so they settle for anything they can get, and unfortunately, sometimes what they settle for ends up being someone like this Dante Moore. I, personally, would rather spend the rest of my life single than settle for something like that.

The Food Court...

We have this thing at work that someone has dubbed the "food court." It's actually the curve in the counter in our office that collects all the "snacks" people bring in. It changes daily and for the season as well. It's actually quite commical. Some days, there will only be chips. Other days it might be something salty as well as something sweet. And then, of course there are days like today that there is a whole plethora of options. **See below**

This is a daily thing at my work, and I have to admit, I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to bringing the stuff in. In the warehouse, some of the guys complain that we're making them fat, yet we continue to bring it in and they continue to eat it. Then we have our health conscious people that say "not today," and yet, half way through the day, you see them making their way to food court for "just a piece." The really sad thing about it...anything that goes on the counter is usually gone within a day or two... What's even sadder: they eat just about anything that goes up there. We've had some pretty questionable stuff go up and there and by the end of the was gone. I'd love to see what would happen to the people here if we went an entire month without someone bringing something in...They'd probably start getting cranky and whatnot...ya know...the whole withdrawl syndrom thing.
Happy Snacking!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Still Remember...

As most of you already know, today is the seventh anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy in New York. Do you remember where you were when it happened? What were you doing when the news broke? I was in my sophmore geometry class when Mr. Solis took the call from our principle. He told us all to close our books and then turned on the TV. We missed the first building, but we watched the second building get hit. I remember a couple kids laughing 'cause they thought it was fake, but more importantly, I rememeber the silence that came over the room when we realized this was really happening. I don't think there was a single soul that didn't talk about it that day, infact, nearly every class I went to that day had the TV on and we watched the clips over and over. We still did our regular study, but a couple of the teachers took the time to discuss the news of that day. They would ask what our thoughts were. What our feelings were. To me, the whole day just felt surreal, but my experience was nothing compared to the people that lived it. The people that were right there when it happened, or lost family members in the collapse, or even the cleanup. I can't imagine what they're still going through today. So, as we go on with our work, school, and play, let's take a moment to remember the lives lost on that day and say a prayer for the family members that their lost loved ones on...

September 11, 2001
Photobucket Image Hosting

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


So, a few days back, I posted the "No Obama" logo. I wanted to put that out there and at the same time, get my thoughts and opinions lined up before I elaborated. If you don't know, I'm kind of a fan of politics. I enjoy following elections and getting to know the canidates and their positions as much as possible. Some of you may ask where I stand politically- am I a republican? NO. Am I a democrat? NO. I would have to answer that I am a conservative moderate. There are positions that I stand behind on both sides of the party fence, and I believe I keep an open mind towards most positions. I was raised in a Christian conservative household and yes, for awhile I followed along in their beliefs because, well, that's what I was raised around. I didn't know anything else. Back then, if you asked where I stood, I would have proudly said republican. However, after Bush Jr. was elected the second time around, I began to question all the beliefs of the "republican party," and found that I couldn't stand behind everything they believed in. I don't want to stand behind someone that is willing to send thousands of our men and women overseas to die. Yes, I understand that there is good going on over there, but give me hard evidence that shows me that the good outweighs the death toll. DON'T, however, give me the facts that less people died in this war than the wars in the past. I want to see that we have a real purpose there; that my friends over there are risking their lives for a good cause. This is the reason why I have lost the majority of the respect I once had for Bush and the reason why I have a hard time standing behind John McCain. In this regard, they are cut from the same cloth.
I also refuse to stand behind someone that refuses to support the sanctity of life. I understand that women believe they deserve to have a choice. I believe that also - unless that choice means taking the life of another human being, also known as abortion. Who is going to stand up for the one that can't defend itself? This is the MAIN reason why I REFUSE to support Obama. Not only is he Pro-Abortion, (note: I did NOT say pro-choice. He is infact, pro-abortion), but while in the Illinois legistlature, he refused to support a bill that would protect a child that survived a late term abortion. In other words: he refused to support a bill that would allow medical attention to a HUMAN BEING that survived an abortion. Two times he helped block this bill. TWO TIMES!! How many babies had to die because he refused to support it?? It's one thing to be pro-choice or pro-abortion, but it's an etirely different thing to be inhumane. A man that that refuses to save a living, breathing, human being doesn't derserve my vote; regardless of his color, religion, or stand on every other issue. His stand to disregard the life of a human being has caused me to lose every ounce of respect I may have had for him. This is just one of the several issues I have with him. I also have a real problem with his lack of honesty. I have been reading Obama Nation By Jerome R. Corsi and he has shed some serious light Obama. Yes, I know, 98% of politicians are liars, but he stands out above the rest. He has lied over and over and over to make his "case" more appealing to the public. However, Mr. Corsi has hard facts to back up what he claims in the book and it's hard for me not to believe him. These facts prove that Obama is a liar. I'm not going to continue on with my "problems" with Obama...I think you can pretty much figure it out. I just wanted to explain my reasoning for my last post. I'd hate for someone to think I'm an uniformed American that is just spewing off at the mouth. That's not the case at all. I stay well informed, but I have an opionion and I wanted to get it out there.

I'm sure so many of us could go around and around on all of the issues that we have to sift through when it comes to picking a president, and if you want to attack me for my stand, I'm ready. I understand that we as a nation are never going to be in agreement on everything and we're not going to be able to change the beliefs of the other, but that's the great thing about this nation: we have the freedom to make our own choice and stand behind it. I won't judge another for his belief and I would hope he wouldn't judge me for mine because at the end of the day we all have one thing in common: we're all Americans that have a choice; that can speakout without the fear of retaliation or death. For me, as an American, I'm going to use my freedom and vote for the man that is more in line with my beliefs. Who is that man in this election? I'm not sure yet, but one thing I do know is that man is not Obama.

Friday, August 29, 2008

All I can really say right now...


Yeah...that pretty much sums it up.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Answer me this....

Why would someone stay in a relationship where the other person is constantly putting them down and belittling them?? I JUST DON'T GET IT!!! Maybe there's something I'm not seeing, but if she knowingly treats him like that around others, I can only imagine how she's treating him when they're alone. I mean, every time I see these two together, she always says something cutting. I just don't get it. I don't get it at all. If it were me, I would have been gone a long time ago. No deserves to go through that, especially when it's coming from the person you're about to commit your life to. I'm to the point that I just have to get up and leave the room because it bothers me SOOOOO much.

So, can anyone answer that question for me?? Why stay?

Friday, August 22, 2008

End of My Vacation

Well, we sure managed to squeeze a lot of stuff into a week. The night before we headed out though, we had one last destination.

My senior year in high school, our music program went to New York City for three days. One of things we were supposed to do was go to Medieval Times. Unfortunately, our bus got stuck in traffic and we lost our reservation. Good news is: that's what we ended up doing the last night in New Jersey. We originally wanted to go to a Broadway play, but none of use could really afford the tickets and we would be stuck way in the back we agreed on Medieval.

It was so much fun. If you've never been there, what it is is restaurant that has sword fights, jousting, and much much more during your meal. There are about 8 knights that put on a show for you. It's pretty cool actually.

Anyway, that's what we did, and we had so much fun. There's not really much to explain because you sit throughout the whole thing and just watch grown men fight each other. =0) So, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket



After that, we just went back to the hotel and went to bed. The following morning we packed up and pulled out. It was a long trip back and we all got excited when we saw the "WELCOME TO MICHIGAN" sign coming up. Oh, and as soon as I knew where I was, I took Cybil off my window; we had a few more issues with her on the way home, so it was nice to see her go. =0)

I had such a great time and can't wait for my next vacation...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vacation...(Part 4)

NYC Day 2:

With New York being as large as it is, it is impossible to see everything in one day, so we went back for a second day of sightseeing (just an FYI: if you want to see all of NYC, give yourself atleast a week; it's too big for just two days).


Our second day in New York City we decided to go to Times Square, all of which we walked. It was hot and very busy. We were a little short on time so we didn't get to do as much as we had planned. Pretty much, our time at Times Square consisted of walking really fast and taking pictures. One of the pictures I took made me laugh. It was of the NYPD building (picture above). At first I thought it was joke - I mean, what real police department has flashing lights above its entrance?? This one. It was the real thing. It was so small and just kind of sat in the middle of the square. To be honest, it looked kind of out of place to me - but hey, who am I to judge? =0)


After walking a little bit, we came up on a bunch of police officers in full gear getting out of a big, black SUV. It was kind of startling. I still don't know what they were patrolling but they looked serious. We asked one of the officers (pictured below) if we could get a picture and his response was "we can't pose." I would have left it alone (reminder: he was scary), but my cousin, being the person she is said to him, "well what if you just stand there and we take a picture?" He smiled and said to us, "I'll try to look pretty." That made our day. We couldn't get a picture of him looking directly at the camera, because he wouldn't, but what we got is good enough. These guys looked fierce. There were about 3 of them strolling around and another two still in the SUV. If I were a criminal, I definitely would have avoided them at all costs.



Before we rushed off to our hotel we stopped at one of the little vendor places on the sidewalk and had a picture drawn of us. We got a good laugh out of it and then booked it back to the subway because we had to get around for our last adventure before heading home.

Next Up: Medieval Times (New Jersey)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vacation...(Part 3)

Newark, New Jersey / New York, New York
Let me just start by saying that if I never drive in a big New Jersey city again, it'll be too soon. Driving to our hotel in NJ was craaazy!!! First, their roads are (a) confusing and conjested and (b) terribly marked. I'm so used to Michigan where the roads in the city are clearly marked. Not NJ! I'm just thankful I didn't have to drive in NYC. That would have been the end to my sanity.

Photobucket Ground Zero


So yeah, the trip there was pretty much easy (until we got to the city part of it). We only got "lost/turned around" once and that was in a...parking lot... rather embarrassing, but we got a good laugh out of it. We arrived at our hotel at a decent time and checked in. On the way into the hotel, we were beginning to worry that we had just driven ourselves to a dirty, drug ridden place...the outside and the surroundings were rather creepy, but we walked in and it was pretty swanky. =0) But enough about the boring stuff.


Me & Jessie Photobucket

We decided not to go into NYC that day (Thursday) just 'cuz we were exhausted. However, Friday we spent all day there (which isn't hard to do). We took the subway into the city and walked to Battery Park, where we got on a ferry to Liberty and Ellis Island. I had been to New York before, and I had seen Lady Liberty from a distance, but never on the island. She is breathtaking (and HUGE). I got some amazing shots of her and of the city from across the water. We had thought about taking a walk up the pedestal, but there was so much more that we wanted to do that we decided not to. Instead, we bought some souveniers and left for Ellis Island. We didn't get much time there, so I don't really have a lot to say about that Island. The one thing I'm going to say is that I don't think I'm meant to really see it. The first time I went there, we had about 45 minutes to see everything and get lunch (that was a little over 4 years ago). This time around, same thing, we had about 45 minutes to see everything and get something to eat. Needless to say, neither time did I really get to see all of Ellis Island. Oh well, maybe next time. =0)
PhotobucketTop of the Empire


We got back to the mainland and headed off to the Empire State Building. I was determined to see it during the day. The last time, it was nighttime and I didn't get a single picture. So, we got there and waited in past the picture area, waited in line some more for the elevators, and then waited and waited and waited... LOTS of waiting in line, but we eventually got to the top and it was SPECTACULAR!! To get a 360 of the city is quite amazing. All the cars look like matchbox cars and the people, well they look so tiny. We also got to watch the sun set over the city. It doesn't hold a candle to Michigan sunsets, but it was still a pretty cool sunset. We caught up with each other and headed back down the building.



It was time to head back to the hotel for the night. It was dark out and walking the streets back to the subway wasn't as scary as I expected. I've learned, you just keep your belongings close to your body and look straight ahead, like you're on a mission - that way, you'll blend in with every other New Yorker and you're less likely to get mugged (atleast that's what I told myself). =0)


(If you want to see the full size pictures, just click on any one of them.)

Next: Day 2 In NYC

Friday, July 25, 2008

Vacation...(Part 2)

Plattsburgh, New York
This is the city I was looking forward to the most. From Canada, it took us about 6 hours to get there, however, with the road that Cybil took us down, I think it took a little more, but it was totally worth it. We started out on an expressway (like those in MI), but about an hour into it (and a wrong exit) Cybil directed us down "Highway 8." It was probably the most beautiful highways I've seen in my life. Trees, rocks, clear blue skies, and the road weaved back and forth quite a bit. It was really pretty, but it also caused a lot of laughs. We would approach a sign that said "Town of...." but there would be NO town. NOTHING. We passed those- a lot. Then we're about, oh, 1/2 way there and I realize: I need a "break." HA! Every "village" we came to had NO GAS STATIONS!! What kind of place is that? I swear we traveled over 50 miles before we found a place that looked like it would have a restroom. It was a little grocery type store. I pull up and on the door in big letters "No Public Restrooms." At this point, I'm pretty much miserable. Another 15 miles and we come to a stop light. I say to the girls "If there's a stop light, there must be a real town," sure enough...we turned and there it was. I don't think I've ever been as happy to see a gas station as I was at that moment. =0)

After our little stop, we got back on the road for Plattsburgh. Like I said, the trip there was 6 hours, but they seemed to go by pretty quickly. That is, until we reached the sign that said "Plattsburgh 35 Miles." I think those were the longest 35 miles EVER. By the time I reached that sign, I was ready to be there. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening.
We got to our hotel, settled in and then walked across the street to Walmart. Funny thing happened while we there. When Jessie and I went up to get a cart, we saw Tiffany and her mom standing in the checkout!! It was crazy, and a bit awkward because it was totally unexpected. We talked a little bit and then they left. The next day Jessie, Theresa, Tiffany, Christina (Tiff's cousin) and I all hung out. First the mall then a cute little pizza joint, then the playground. We had a TON of fun there. I'd go into all the funny details, but this post would go on forever.

PhotobucketChristina PhotobucketJessie

Tiffany & Christina

The following day (Tuesday) Tiffany and I hung out on our own. We left the hotel and went to a little place called "Michigan's Plus," and we ordered a "Michigan" (it's pretty much a chili dog). After that we went back to her house to pick up her baby Carlos and then went and rented a couple videos and she showed me around her town (her old High School, hang outs, etc). We spent the rest of the evening hanging out like old friends. It was really nice and it all ended too soon. When you spend 7 years working up to this point, 2 days just isn't enough. I've had people ask me: "Is she what you expected?" or "Is she the same in person as in the letters and emails?" The answer to both is YES. We've built a friendship over the years, we've been very honest with each other, and she's the same girl in person as she is on paper or email. I can't wait until the next time we're able to visit each other. Til then, we'll go back to the good 'ol electronic mail.


I almost forgot to mention: Her parents are two of the sweetest people I've met. From the first second I met her dad, he made me feel very welcome, and the same thing with her mom. It makes it that much harder to leave when you get along with everyone in her life that you meet.

Up Next: Newark, New Jersey / New York, New York

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vacation...(Part 1)

I've been meaning to get around to blogging about my vacation, it just took longer than anticipated. Here it is:

For those of you that don't know, the main point of this trip was to meet my best friend Tiffany in New York. I've posted the link to the blog that explains it all... =0)

Theresa, Jessie and Me.

I chose Jessie (my cousin) and Theresa (her friend) to travel with. We pulled out on the 13th of June with our GPS (aka: Cybil) hooked up and our car loaded down; we were ready to go.

First Stop: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Photobucket American Falls from above

American Falls from the ground Photobucket

The trip there was, for the most part, uneventful. We had a couple rain showers and an accident, oh, and we named our GPS. If you've ever had a GPS, you know that they can be kind of cranky. With the one we were using, we were trying to locate a gas station. Well, the gas station "she" led us to no longer existed, so I turned down the road and was looking for a drive to turn around in. All of a sudden she starts saying, "make a U-Turn when possible, make a U-Turn when possible" over and over and over (until we silenced her). And she has this funky british accent, so from that point on I called her Cybil because I figured that at any given minute she was gonna jump out and kill us all.
Photobucket Horseshoe (Canadian) Falls from above.

Horseshoe Falls from the ground.Photobucket

So, we get to our hotel at about 3am and go to sleep, only to get up at 8 the next morning. WAY TOO EARLY!! We all got around and headed out to the Niagara Falls. First, we went on the Sky Tower and was able to see the falls and pretty much the entire town from up there. It was an amazing view. If you've never seen the falls, I suggest you take a trip there to see them. The really are breathtaking. After that, we went back down to the ground and walked about 2 miles to the Maid of the Mist. It's a boat that takes you right up next to the falls, and let me tell end up SOAKED, but it's a ton of fun.


Following that, we just walked around town a little, bought some stuff, and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. It was my first time eating there and I found it to be pretty cool. I got my picture taken with the frog that walks around, but he got mad at me because I wouldn't do the Macarena with him...oh well. =0) We then proceeded to walk around a little more and then decided we were getting tired and it was time to go back to the hotel, so we walked the 2 miles back to the sky tower and left.


With all of the things we did, all of the little inside jokes, and all of the funny things that happened, Canada was great, but I was disappointed by just one thing: Canadians don't always use the word 'eh.' In fact, the entire time we were there, not a single one said it. lol =0)

Next Stop: Plattsburgh, New York

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The "Low" Part of my Life...

I don't very often talk about my diabetes publicly (blog). Once in a while I'll talk about it, but usually I either keep it to myself or talk about it to my close friends. Today, I feel like talking about it. Once in awhile I'll have a curious person ask my what it feels like to have a low/a high/ give myself injections, etc. While I won't get into everything else, I'll answer one of those questions: "What does it feel like to have a low?"

My Answer: Have you ever had to stand in front of a big group of people to talk or sing or just stand there? Maybe you've played in a sport and had hundreds of eyes watching you and your nerves got so bad that your heart started to race and it was almost impossible to concentrate on what you were doing... That's how I would describe a low (for me). I've been on stage (to sing AND to talk) and I get the same feeling. Being somebody with diabetes, it can be difficult to differentiate between nerves and low blood sugar(BS). Before diabetes came into my life I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that when I was on stage, it was nerves. Now I pretty much have to know what my blood-sugar is before I go on stage. It may sound strange, but the last thing someone wants to see is a girl pass out on stage (nerves don't do that to me: Lows do.) I've never passed out from lows, I can usually tell when they come on; like today. That's part of the reason I'm blogging it. It happened today, and I've been asked the question, so I figured I'd answer. I had a normal breakfast with a good sugar reading, gave myself the correct amount of insulin and about 3 hours later, I was unable to focus, my hands were shaking really bad, and all I wanted to do was sit still (low energy comes with low BS). I grabbed my handy kit, tested, and came out with a 67 reading. Even though I just wanted to sit there, I knew I had to do something. So, I forced myself to the breakroom and poured myself a cup of coffee with sugar rather than Equal (which is what I usually use). It's been about half an hour and my BS is back at a normal range (117).

These things happen. Ask anybody with diabetes; we have high days and we have low days, we just have to learn to deal with it because there are times that no matter what you do, you can't get your numbers down to normal on a particular day and there are times that you keep having lows. It happens. So yeah....One question down and about 100 more (or so it seems) to go. =0)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Saddened by an Interruption...

The past couple blogs I have posted have been pretty deep, pretty emotional for me. Not today. It's a vent and yet a laughable situation. It all took place Sunday, July 13, 2008 after church.

There I am, standing by the chairs in the sactuary waiting for my sister to come back because, apparently, she had to "talk to me," (she wanted to ask me lunch...I wasn't in trouble for anything). So like I said, there I am standing by her chair when *Nick walks up and was like "BOO!" I turned around and said hi with a little laugh.
He says to me: "I scared you didn't I?"
Me: "Terribly."
Him: "I saw you jump..."
Me: "You're right, right out of my skin."
We laughed at that for a little while and then started having a real conversation. Oh, did I mention that I like Nick?? Yeah, I do. Anyway, moving on...we're talking and all of a sudden, out of no where, *Tammy walks up and is like (to me) "how are you doing?" Being the nice person that I am (even though I'm a little offended that she completely interrupts) I say hi, and "okay," then ask how she is, she sighs and says, "eh, I'm okay..." that's when Nick breaks in and says, "well, I'm gonna go, I'll talk to you later." ARRRGHHH!!! Now I'm trapped. He's gone and I'm saddened, 'cuz we were talking and it's always a nice thing when the guy you like talks to you... =0), and Tammy is still standing there, so of course I have to talk to her (she did the talking, I just listened). 10 minutes later, I get to walk away and find my sister. Don't get me wrong, I genuinely listened to what she was telling me, but I was still a little annoyed. Thinking back now, I should have asked her to wait a second and finished my conversation with Nick, and THEN proceed to talk to her. However, I didn't. I'm just hoping I'll have another opportunity; he holds pretty good conversation.
Even though I was annoyed at the moment, I laughed about it later when I was telling my friend Lori. It's really not THAT big of deal....I just felt like sharing it. =0)

* Names have been changed to protect the identity of the individual.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Just How I'm Feeling at the Moment

It's amazing to me how songs can put to words the exact things you're feeling; the feelings that you're either to afraid to speak or you just don't know how to articulate.

Case and point:

Incompatible, it don't matter though
'cos someone's bound to hear my cry
Speak out if you do
You're not easy to find

Is it possible Mr. Loveable
Is already in my life?
Right in front of me
Or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here we are again, circles never end
How do I find the perfect fit
There's enough for everyone
But I'm still waiting in line

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

If there's a soulmate for everyone

Most relationships seem so transitory
They're all good but not the permanent one

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
Who knows how to love you without being told
Somebody tell me why I'm on my own
If there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone

It's SOULMATE by Natasha Bedingfield. You can hear what it sounds like at:

Monday, June 23, 2008

Precious Are Our Days; Our Time.

It's been awhile since my last post, and for those of you who actually follow this thing, my apologies. I've been busy getting myself around for a trip (that is now over) and working and doing all the usual stuff. None of them real good excuses, but that's all I've got. Well, that and the fact that I haven't had much to blog about until now. I will blog about my trip to NY in the next week or so, but today, I wanted to take some time out to remind everyone how precious our days are. Not just our days, but our hours, minutes, second, milleseconds, etc.; all of which we shouldn't take for granted.

I know I am one of those people that catches myself doing it. I take everything I have for granted, but then I hear something on the news about people's freedom's being suffocated, or people's homes being destroyed in a natural disaster (and the list goes on), and it brings me back to earth. This past week was one of those times; one of the times that I was grateful for my life, my family, and every single second I've been given. Some of you may know, (and some of you may not), that my friend Amanda McLeod was in a horrible car accident on June 10. I went to see her that Thursday, and pray with her family, before I left on Friday for New York. The Sunday after I left for NY, I found out that she passed away. Of course, when I heard the news, all I could do was cry. Why her? She made a mistake that put her in this position, but she was an amazing girl. She was confident, funny, and kinda crazy...but in a way that made you want to be around her. She had a great heart and could easily bring a smile to your face. I admit, we hadn't had a lot of contact since high school, but when we did run into each other, it was as though there wasn't a single second between us; like we just picked up where we left off. Then a few weeks before her accident, she came into the video store and we just started talking. Talking about friends, relationships, work, and everything else you could think of. She said that she'd be getting a new number and she'd give it to me when she got it. About 2 weeks before her accident, she came in and gave me that new number. She told me to call sometime, cuz she thought it would be fun to hang out. Unfortunately, I never did. I got "too busy." I know that she'd still be gone, whether I called her or not, but what I struggle with is the fact that I took her for granted. I figured I would just call her when I got back from vacation. I never thought that she wouldn't make it that long. How many times do we catch ourselves doing that? Putting off a phone call, or a visit because we're just "too busy." How often do we zoom through each day without taking notice of the breath we're given, the sunsets, the sunrises, the grass and everything else, and forget to see them as a blessing? I'm guilty of that, and I'm am going to try my hardest to do that everyday. Even the littlest things count. I owe that to Amanda. We owe that to ourselves. So, please, do me a favor...everyday, when you wake up, take in a deep breath and be thankful for it. Thankful that you're given one more day. Good or bad day, it's one more.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

From one Ball to Another


Well, it's over. Last night was the last night of BASKETBALL league, and quite honestly, I'm a little sad. Not like spend-an-evening-crying sad, but just bummed cuz I was really enjoying my time at the games. I was beginning to understand (and enjoy) it more and more. Another thing is that I didn't really start coming out of my shell until last night. For some of you that know me, you know that it takes a little while for me to warm up to people. I have to get to the level of comfort before I really start to show the Leah that my closest friends know. Until that point, I tend to be a little shy and reserved. It was getting better with each week, I started to branch out and talk (a little bit) to people that I didn't really know. Last night though, I probably talked and laughed with more people that I didn't know than I did all "season." Oh well...there's always next year to talk more... =0) As long as Joe or Jared ask me to come back, that is. I may not know how to play the game, or know the calls, but I DO know how to run a scorebored, so that would save them the hassle of "training" someone else. that that's all over, I'll be starting SOFTBALL league; I'm looking forward to it. I promise I won't throw balls at people in order to tag them out...promise. =0) I asked Doug from Kent City Baptist (KCBC) if women were allowed to play on the boys team, he said "not really" and that he thought there would a women's team, but wasn't sure. Then I talked to my best friend who goes to one of our opposing churches and she said that they could use another girl (it's co-ed) so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to play for Snow Bible Church...I can't promise them anything spectacular, but I'll definitely try hard. More importantly, it'll get me out of the house a couple times a week and I'll actually be having fun, rather than stuck in a building...working. I don't know the first thing about playing a real game of softball (except for "hit the ball and try to get to the white base before someone touches it or you with the ball," so hopefully, someone can give me some insight. I'd hate to make a fool of myself out there. Anyway, I'm out. I've gotta get back to work.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend to Remember!

Wow...this weekend was crazy for me. A ton of fun, but crazy. Friday, immediately after work my mom, dad, sister and I all left for my grandma's in Ludington. Soon after we got into Ludington, we stopped at KFC to pick up some chicken to bring to my grandma's for dinner. It was during that stop that Amber decided to pull out her camera and it turned out to be a hilarious experience.

Saturday we threw a "going away" party for my cousin who will be heading off to Colorado for work and at the same time a birthday party for my great-aunt who just turned 89. I always love being around my family. We're a loud, crazy group of people and it just makes for an exciting time. After we ate a few of decided to go outside and "play." Some of the cousins (me included) played a couple games of volleyball and then it was decided that we were going to put on a Turner softball game; crazy, crazy, crazy. Of course, with it being MY family, it wasn't your normal game of softball...nope- my aunt decided that it was going to be ONE HANDED...meaning, when you were up to bat- you could only swing with one arm. On top of that, I was the pitcher for our team, albeit not a great one, but the pitcher none the less. Needless to say, my arm is still feeling the burn. Oh, and just in case you ever decide to play softball, word of advice - you're not allowed to throw the ball at an opposing player running to first if you know for sure that you're not going to be able to reach her in time. Trust me, I learned that one real quick this weekend. =0) I don't think Jessie really appreciated it either. The other team won, but I personally think it's because they have a bunch of cheaters. Just personal opinion. =0)

Then on Sunday two great things happened:

A.M - We had the first service in our new church. What a great turnout. We packed the building, overflowed the parking lot, and just had a GREAT service. It's going to take me some getting used to because this building is way bigger than our previous church, but I will get used to it because I know that God is going to use Kent City Baptist in a great way. I can't wait to see the way he uses us!!

P.M - I went to the Michael Bublè concert with Amber; what a blast!! Before I continue, a HUGE thank you goes to Casey from Paradigm. She is the one that gave Amber the tickets; $80 tickets nonethess, so THANK YOU! Before he came on, they had an opening act, the name of the act was Naturally 7. It was a group of black guys that had not ONE instrument, and yet had a "band." Each band member created the sounds of an instrument with their voices. Me trying to explain it would give it no justice, so please, check 'em out at (search 'wall of sound' or 'Naturally 7'). After they performed, Michael finally came out. He was amazing! He was also hilarious; cracking jokes all night long. I'm really glad I got to go see him. It was definitely a concert I won't forget for a very long time.

Anyway- this thing is already long enough, so I won't make you suffer anymore. I hope the rest of you had a great weekend also.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Music to My Ears (literally)


Sunday, April 20, 2008 @ 8PM at the Van Andle Arena, I will get to see this man perform live. I am SO excited...If you like Frank Sinatra and that sort of music, then you too would like Michael Bublè. My sister got some free tickets from a friend at work, and she was kind enough to invite me to go with her. I'm so glad she did, cuz I can't wait to see him...

Short post, but it's all I've got for the day!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


If you haven't read the book Mistaken Identity by the Van Ryn and Cerak families yet, I suggest you do; it's a powerful book. If you don't know what it's about, I'll give you brief synopsis.

In April, 2006 a van of Taylor University students were hit by a semi. Out of 9 people, 5 died; out of that 5, one was mistaken for one the survivors. Both families give their account of everything from the day of the accident to "today."

Now, why do I suggest it?? Not just because it's a great read, or because it gives you some insight to something that made national (and even international) news. I suggest it because it's proof of how great our God is. More than once I was moved to tears reading this book (I'm not one to cry over books), several of those times, I was sitting in my desk here at work. The dependence they on had on Christ is astounding. Every inch of their life revoloved around Christ and the works he wants us to do for his glory. I honestly don't know what I would do in their situation. I would hope that I would be bold and continually ask God for the strength and support he so willingly gives rather than become angry and confused and turn away. Another reason I suggest you read it is because even if you can't relate to every last issue that they're going through, somehow, you will be able to relate to the way God moves in our lives. Some of my tears were tears for the families and the losses they experienced, the emotions that hit them, and the pain they endured. However, the majority of my tears were because I could relate to the way that Christ has moved in my own life over the past couple years. Our God is an amazing God, through good and through bad, and this book sheds light on just how great He is and how much He truly loves us, all of us.

So please, go out to the nearest library, bookstore, or Walmart and pick up a copy to read, and when you do, see it as more than just a great story. Open your hearts to the message it has and expect to be moved.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Stupid Pegs...

Ever been pegged as being something you 100% are not?? Yeah, me too. More recently, I've been getting that from a few people I know. My only question is, who else are they telling this to? I mean, it's not like I care that they're saying it because to be honest - it won't have some horrible affect on me, but it's still annoying.

The thing I get pegged with the most is "High Maintenance." The first time I heard this one was about a year ago when I was working at the video store. I was working with my boss and another girl, and we started talking about engagement rings. She was saying something about wanting a big rock and having an idea of what her dream ring looked like (I don't remember the exact's been awhile since the coversation). I told her that I wanted something small and simple. I told her I wanted a three stone engagement ring and a diamond wedding band, but I didn't want anything too big or flashy. When I said that, my boss made that snotty snorting sound. After asking what that was all about, he proceeded to tell me that he couldn't believe that I wanted something simple. "why's that?" I asked...and he said (and I quote) "Because I pegged you as the high maintenance type." All I could do was laugh... after regaining my composure I asked him what in the world made him think that. His reasoning was that I was always dressed up, my make-up and hair was always just so (I work in an office. I have to look nice 5 out of 7 days, which are usually the only days he saw me) and I just had an "way" about me that appeared to signal high maintenance. Truth is, I'm more comfortable throwing on a hoodie and jeans sans makeup and just spending the day like that. I hunt, fish, change my own oil, get my hands dirty, all the while- not caring about how I look. I don't know many "high maintenance" girls that do that.
That was the FIRST time. He no longer sees me as that. We hang out periodically now, so he's seen my dress down-no makeup-hair in a ponytail days, and he's gotten to know me more for myself now. I've been pegged a couple more times as such, but they're not worth mentioning. Same sort of story, just different people, and I'm sure it will continue to happen. It's out of my control though. Just like the next peg...

Now, you'd think that after being wrong about the high maintenance thing, he'd stop making assumptions about me... WRONG! I found out that he made another idiodic assumption about me and let it escape his lips in front of a guy that I've been getting to know (and like). This time, I had my friend Danyalle there to call him out on it. Apparently Danyalle was talking to this guy about how she thought I was sweet and funny, etc, etc, etc and that he should get to know me and ask me out because we have a lot of the same moral values. This is when my boss from the video store chirped in again and said "Yeah, she'd make a good girl friend, but I think she'd be rather needy." I wasn't there to hear it, but when Danyalle told me, I was like "WHAT?!?" Again, I had to laugh... I'm far from needy. When I hear needy, I think of a girl that has to be with her man nearly 24/7; he's not allowed a single moment to himself. I also think of someone that plans her life around him and the things HE enjoys; in turn completely losing herself as an individual. That type of girl, I am NOT. In fact, I'm the opposite. While I enjoy spending time with the guy, I also enjoy having some time to hang with MY friends and giving him ample room to hang with his crew, infact, I'm quite independent - just ask my mother. I also know and like who I am as an individual, so there's no need for me to morph into a clone of him. Will I make compromises and request that he do the same? I'm sure. Will I expect him to treat me well when we ARE together? Absolutely. However, that doesn't make me needy.

Lucky for me, Danyalle was there to ask him why he thought that...his response? "I don't know, I just think she seems needy." Yeah. Great excuse; founded on such....idiocy. *rolls eyes* The "guy" is still willing to hang out with me, so he'll realize for himself that my boss was wrong, but the whole pegging thing really annoys me, especially when it's not founded on anything remotely logical.

Oh well, what can ya do....

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Today is officially the first day of spring! (please) BRING ON THE WARM WEATHER!!! =) I am so sick of the cold I could burst....Most of the snow is gone, but there's still a chill in the air and SOME snow left over. I can't wait til we've got leaves on the trees, green grass and sunny days!! After 4 bad months of winter, I'm ready for spring...even the mud. =)


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dare I say?

I might get disowned from my family for saying this, but I think I'm becoming a basketball fan. *gasp*

For those of you who know me, know that my family and I are HUGE wrestling fans (the high school, not TV kind). Growing up I went to countless tournaments and meets for my cousins and then when I got to be the great age of 11, I started working with our middle school wrestling team taking stats and whatnot. The love of the sport followed me into my high school years. I was the manager/statistician from my freshman to my senior year. For those of you who are avid wrestling fans will know that there's always been this dislike between the basketball and wrestling teams (at least in Grant there was). Wrestlers didn't like basketball, and basketballers didn't like wrestling...we just sort of co-existed. lol, no not really. We actually got along with the players, we just didn't much care for the sport. Had you asked me when I was in high school if I wanted to go to basketball game with you, I probably would have laughed and declined. Oh, how the times have changed.

About a month back, I was asked by a couple of the guys from the church if I would be willing to run the scoreboard for basketball league. The only reason I agreed is becauseit would give me something to do on Tuesday nights rather than sit home doing nothing. We're three weeks into in and I'm finding that I'm beginning to enjoy the sport. The more I understand it and the plays, the more I get into it. It's more than just running across the court and shooting a wrinkled orange ball into a round hole. They run....A LOT, and when there are 4 or 5 guys jumping on one man in order to prevent him from making a shot, I can see what makes making the shot so difficult. That and there are SO many way to get penalized; or lose the ball to the other team.

Now before I give a family member a heart attack or something let me state that I'm NOT saying that I LOVE basketball and would pick IT over wrestling. I'm just saying that I think I can squeeze it into the sports I enjoy watching (live).

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trying to Stay Positive

About three weeks ago, I started my new healthy lifestyle. I decided it was time to take control of my weight, my diabetes, and my life. I've been trying my best to really pay attention to the things I'm eating, and also the portions, as well as working out everyday (except Saturdays and Sundays). I've been doing pretty well for the most part. I'm enjoying the gym visits, and I'm REALLY enjoying the time alone when I go for a run down our road. The only thing I'm NOT enjoying is the discouragement.

I'm not alone in this lifestyle change. I've actually been doing this with my best friend Rachelle and her mom. Well, we were all together this weekend and Rachelle told me that over the last 3 weeks, she's lost 8 pounds and her mom said that she's lost 4. That's when the discouragement kicked in. The first week was good, I thought I was gaining progress because when I stepped on the scale, it was down a pound and a half. Then at the end of the third week, it hadn't moved one ounce. I've been consistant in working out and eating healthier but I'm not seeing a change. It's times like these that I get really sick of having diabetes. When I was in high school (before diabetes) I lost 45 pounds by doing what I'm doing now, averaging about 3 pounds a week, but since being diagnosed, it's been nearly impossible for me to lose it. To be honest, I don't understand what makes it so hard for people with diabetes to lose weight. I know that in the end (whether I lose or not) I will be healthier and I keep telling myself that, but when you've struggled as long as I have with my weight, you really want to see a reduction when you're working your butt off to drop a few. It just gets so discouraging.

With that said, I'm still going to commit myself to this change, because it will make me healthier, even if it doesn't make me skinnier.

Friday, March 07, 2008

7 Years in the Making!!

May 14, 2001 my friendship with a girl name Tiffany Lynn Taylor began. At that time, I was big into the whole "chat room" thing (way before MySpace and Facebook). There were some guys hassling this girl and I just dropped a comment saying "Ignore them, guys are jerks." With that, she sent me an IM. From there we just started talking. We clicked on so many levels; the only downside - she was from New York, I am from Michigan. We really wanted to exchange information but both of our parents refused that request. Still leary of online predators and whatnot they told us we would have to wait atleast six months, get to know each other a little more first. So, six months passed and I asked my parents if I could give her my address...they gave me permission, under a few conditions, it had to be through MSN IM, they were going to be standing there when I did it, and she had to send hers at the same time. We finally got each other's addresses and the letters began. Sad to say, I no longer have those letters; at her request, I burned them. Anyway, we started writing, sending cards, sending pictures, etc. She became one of the few people I could truly open my heart to. She was there when MY grandma and three of my friends died. I was there when her grandparents died and other things happened. I don't know if it's the distance that gives us the courage to be so open, or if it's just because we really do just understand each other REGARDLESS of the distance, but whatever it is, I don't hold things back from her, nor she from me. She has truly become my best friend.

Some people say that it's impossible to be a "best friend" if you've never met. I tell them they're wrong. It's all about the connection. I even get laughed at when I talk about it. One particular guy at work always makes a joke about me being "too old to have a pen-pal." I tell him the same thing everytime...she's not my pen pal, she's my best friend, but if meeting her is the only way to set our friendship "in stone" then that day has come....and I couldn't be more excited.

In June, with my cousin and her friend, I will be heading out to New York to meet my best friend. After 7 years of dreaming about this day, it's finally going to become a reality. I know her and she really knows me, but I still keep asking myself...."what am I going to say, how am I going to react when I meet her?" There are a million things running through my mind, but I think I know deep down, that we're just gonna pick up as though there's never been a distance between us. Another bonus to this adventure is that she will have a little ankle-biter for me to meet when I get there. She's due to have her son May 14, 2008. Now the cool thing about that is, well, scroll back up and read the first line of this blog....done? Then you'll realize that May 14 is the same day our friendship started, only 7 years back. Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not, but VERY COOL in my book.

In so many ways and for so many reasons, I can't wait for June to get here. I can't wait to finally hug my best friend, maybe even have a coffee with her. All the things we've dreamed of doing together...we'll actually have that chance. Yes, it may only be for a few days, but those few days with my best friend will last me a lifetime. She's the greatest friend (truly) that's come into my life, and at the times I've needed her the most, she been there. She's always honest with me (once in awhile, brutally) and she's also always been so encouraging and supportive. I hope I've been the same way with her. So here I am, counting down the days til I meet my best friend; Tiffany Lynn Taylor. It should be fun.