Friday, August 29, 2008

All I can really say right now...


Yeah...that pretty much sums it up.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Answer me this....

Why would someone stay in a relationship where the other person is constantly putting them down and belittling them?? I JUST DON'T GET IT!!! Maybe there's something I'm not seeing, but if she knowingly treats him like that around others, I can only imagine how she's treating him when they're alone. I mean, every time I see these two together, she always says something cutting. I just don't get it. I don't get it at all. If it were me, I would have been gone a long time ago. No deserves to go through that, especially when it's coming from the person you're about to commit your life to. I'm to the point that I just have to get up and leave the room because it bothers me SOOOOO much.

So, can anyone answer that question for me?? Why stay?

Friday, August 22, 2008

End of My Vacation

Well, we sure managed to squeeze a lot of stuff into a week. The night before we headed out though, we had one last destination.

My senior year in high school, our music program went to New York City for three days. One of things we were supposed to do was go to Medieval Times. Unfortunately, our bus got stuck in traffic and we lost our reservation. Good news is: that's what we ended up doing the last night in New Jersey. We originally wanted to go to a Broadway play, but none of use could really afford the tickets and we would be stuck way in the back we agreed on Medieval.

It was so much fun. If you've never been there, what it is is restaurant that has sword fights, jousting, and much much more during your meal. There are about 8 knights that put on a show for you. It's pretty cool actually.

Anyway, that's what we did, and we had so much fun. There's not really much to explain because you sit throughout the whole thing and just watch grown men fight each other. =0) So, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket



After that, we just went back to the hotel and went to bed. The following morning we packed up and pulled out. It was a long trip back and we all got excited when we saw the "WELCOME TO MICHIGAN" sign coming up. Oh, and as soon as I knew where I was, I took Cybil off my window; we had a few more issues with her on the way home, so it was nice to see her go. =0)

I had such a great time and can't wait for my next vacation...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Vacation...(Part 4)

NYC Day 2:

With New York being as large as it is, it is impossible to see everything in one day, so we went back for a second day of sightseeing (just an FYI: if you want to see all of NYC, give yourself atleast a week; it's too big for just two days).


Our second day in New York City we decided to go to Times Square, all of which we walked. It was hot and very busy. We were a little short on time so we didn't get to do as much as we had planned. Pretty much, our time at Times Square consisted of walking really fast and taking pictures. One of the pictures I took made me laugh. It was of the NYPD building (picture above). At first I thought it was joke - I mean, what real police department has flashing lights above its entrance?? This one. It was the real thing. It was so small and just kind of sat in the middle of the square. To be honest, it looked kind of out of place to me - but hey, who am I to judge? =0)


After walking a little bit, we came up on a bunch of police officers in full gear getting out of a big, black SUV. It was kind of startling. I still don't know what they were patrolling but they looked serious. We asked one of the officers (pictured below) if we could get a picture and his response was "we can't pose." I would have left it alone (reminder: he was scary), but my cousin, being the person she is said to him, "well what if you just stand there and we take a picture?" He smiled and said to us, "I'll try to look pretty." That made our day. We couldn't get a picture of him looking directly at the camera, because he wouldn't, but what we got is good enough. These guys looked fierce. There were about 3 of them strolling around and another two still in the SUV. If I were a criminal, I definitely would have avoided them at all costs.



Before we rushed off to our hotel we stopped at one of the little vendor places on the sidewalk and had a picture drawn of us. We got a good laugh out of it and then booked it back to the subway because we had to get around for our last adventure before heading home.

Next Up: Medieval Times (New Jersey)