Friday, March 19, 2010

What If I'm doing it Wrong...

So, I've started talking to this guy. Funny guy he is, and I really enjoy talking to him, but there are times (like right now) that I wonder if I'm doing it wrong. I know that probably sounds totally weird, but that's what's going through my mind. Right now I'm just trying to view it as a new friendship and nothing more, but I still worry that I'm going about it all wrong. It's been a long time since I've made "new" friends that I didn't see on a daily basis, let alone talk to on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, I'm good at making friends and maintaining those friendships, but at the same time, most of those friendships don't consist of texts. There's actually one-on-one human time involved. So with this whole text thing, I worry... Am I asking too much? Am I not saying enough? Am I supposed to let him ask me questions or just offer up information about myself? Does it make me an absolutely absurd 24-year-old for not knowing the answer to these things? I feel like a child again...
I've made a promise to myself (and told a few important people in my life) that I'm not going to get ahead of myself on this one. I'm not going to get my hopes up. I'm gonna take it one day at a time and get to know him. Build a friendship, 'cuz honestly, I don't know if I'm ready for anything else right now in my life. With that said, I still don't want to run him off because I appear to be a babbling idiot that has no clue as to what she's doing....

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Again with the Trusting...

I feel like there's a big black cloud above my head. As I sit and wait to hear on the future of my unemployment there's this anxiety rising up inside me. I'm going through all of the scenarios of what will happen if I lose it (my unemployment, not my sanity) and it scares me. I have been filling out applications and trying to find a SECOND part time job (because I've had no luck finding full-time employment) just in case something happens, but I've had no luck snagging one yet. I've got two weeks before I know for sure if I continue receiving it or not. While there are moments (many, many moments) that I want to scream and cry and get angry, I'm trying my best not to (kind of failing on the crying part). I have been learning more and more to trust God and this is a scenario where I have to do it again. I don't know what'll happen if I lose my unemployment. I don't know what God has lined up for me and yet I keep trusting. It's hard for me. It's scary, but when the world around me seems to be falling apart, the only thing I have left is to trust Him. I'll do what I can, I put as much effort into it as possible, but after that, I have to trust that God is going to use my work and fulfill his purpose for me. And even though I know he's not going to let me "drown," there are times when I feel like I will. I'm just looking forward to having this big black cloud gone. Gone so I can, once again, live my life without the fear of what tomorrow will bring. Without the anxiety and tears. Until then, all I can do is trust. And trust some more.