Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Feel the BURN!!...

Wow, oh, wow!  Today's workout....WOW!
Usually I just stick to cardio, but today we decided to do some strength training.  We took a 6 pound ball and threw it back and forth. Not only did we throw it back and forth, but we squatted and then threw it on the way up.  We ended up doing three reps of ten and my muscles are on fire! It's a good fire, but it's a fire!
I'm enjoying working out more than I ever did before. Maybe it's because I'm doing on MY schedule and not the schedule of a gym (yay for 24 hour gyms!!). Maybe it's because, this time around, I'm doing it for me and only me. I'm not doing it for a guy, I'm not doing it to fit into anything, or a trip or anything of the sort. I'm doing it because I'm finally ready to look in the mirror and like what's looking back at me.  I know losing weight won't make things perfect for me, I'll still have my insecurities, but it'll give me a feeling of confidence and accomplishment.  I'm ready, so ready! =)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 3...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weight:  240.6

Ugh!!  Discouragement is starting to peek it's ugly little head. =(  I got on the scale this morning and my heart about sank to my feet.  I worked so hard this week too!! I worked out all 5 days and I only had one day where I let myself eat more calories than I should have, but I was careful the rest of the week!! Part of it might be that my "week" starts this week and I could be retaining water. Either way, I wanted to cry.  I knew this journey would be hard, I was just hoping to see SOME results by now.  Don't worry though, I'm not giving up yet....I'm just frustrated....

Monday, March 05, 2012

Week 2...

Monday, March 5, 2012:

Weight: 238.6

Definitely not the full two pounds that I was hoping for. Not even a full pound, but it's not the end of the road. I know part of it is due to missing a couple days at the gym, because of an illness, and making a couple really poor food choices this weekend.  It's a new week though and I can get right back on track. I will get back on track! =)  One thing I'm going to, in addition to making better food choices, is up my water intake. I just started reading this book, "Drink This, Not That."  It's from the same people that wrote, " Eat This, Not That" (which I still have to buy), and, while I know water is the best for you, I'm learning some quite fascinating things. Not only about water and what it will do for your overall well-being, but I'm learning what the so-called "healthier" drinks really have in them and how they're not really the healthier choice.  So, in addition to better food choices, and consistent gym visits, I'm going to cut out all diet drinks and replace it with water.  For my caffeine fix, I'll just have to start drinking coffee again, which is fine because it's better than the alternative. So yeah, that's all I've got for today.