Wednesday, February 29, 2012

=D ....

I'll keep it short and sweet...
I wish the smiley face in my title could truly capture how I'm feeling.  Proud, stronger, and....well...a little sore. =P
Yesterday was day 1 that I worked out. I worked out with Michaele and we did a great job! But today, Michaele had to close her store and didn't expect to be out before 2am, so I decided I was going to go alone after work. Keep in mind, I work two jobs.  Today was one of the days that I had to work both.  Not usually so bad except, today sucked. We were busy at Subway, I was tired, because we were busy, I fell behind on all of my closing duties because we were busy and rather than getting out at 10:30 like I'm used to, I get out 5 minutes after 11.  That made my work day a 13 1/2 hour day.  All I wanted to do was go home and go straight to bed. However, I made this commitment and if I want to see results, I have to follow through, so I went to the gym.  I told myself a max of a half hour. That's all I had in me....45 minutes later I was in a cool down walk.  I LOVED it!  Granted, I know I'm only on day two and still in the "honeymoon" stage, but I, Leah, the girl that battles with insecurities and giving in to what is "easy," took the hard route and worked out...alone...while other people were in the gym!  I'm sore, yes, but that will pass. I'm just proud that I did it alone! I proud that I did it at all!!! =D

Now that I'm WAY past my bedtime....I'm going to call it a night so I can face another 13 hour day tomorrow. But no workout. It's my one day off this week. =)

Much Love!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 1...

Moment of truth....
Even as I sit here, I'm nervous to type it all out, but I know it's what's best so I'm just going to get it over with....

Monday, February 27, 2012:  Day one of my journey...
Weight: 239.3 lbs
Hips: 51 in
Waist: 36 in
Bust: 41 in

Tonight will also be the first day I work out. Still trying to get a hold of the personal trainer that will be walking me through the equipment and what I need to do to achieve the best results for me, but I'm not putting off the working out til she meets with me. I'm starting today....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Vulnerability at its finest....

Stay tuned...
I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I'm about to start a new journey. It's a weight loss journey...I joined a gym today and I have friend that I will be working with to be my accountability partner and I will be hers....She's the one I will be working out with, but I'm going to be posting my results and how I'm feeling here.  I'm sure I'll have a lot of ups and downs because weight-loss has always been a difficult process for me... Starting Monday I will be posting my starting weight and then will post results every Monday after that (and maybe a little bit in between) . It's a scary thing for me. By posting my weight and results, I will be making myself extremely vulnerable.  I hate being vulnerable, but in order to make this work, I think I have to do it. I'm hoping that you all will be my support as well.  If I post and I'm feeling discouraged, I'm going to need the encouragement of my friends and family.  Also, I want to make sure I'm staying on top of the blog, so if I'm not being consistent, I'll need a quick text or Facebook message to let me know that I need to get my butt in gear. If you're not up for the task or think I should be doing this on my own, I completely get it. No need to get involved. However, if you're willing to stick by my side through this, it would mean the world to me!