Monday, March 24, 2008

Stupid Pegs...

Ever been pegged as being something you 100% are not?? Yeah, me too. More recently, I've been getting that from a few people I know. My only question is, who else are they telling this to? I mean, it's not like I care that they're saying it because to be honest - it won't have some horrible affect on me, but it's still annoying.

The thing I get pegged with the most is "High Maintenance." The first time I heard this one was about a year ago when I was working at the video store. I was working with my boss and another girl, and we started talking about engagement rings. She was saying something about wanting a big rock and having an idea of what her dream ring looked like (I don't remember the exact's been awhile since the coversation). I told her that I wanted something small and simple. I told her I wanted a three stone engagement ring and a diamond wedding band, but I didn't want anything too big or flashy. When I said that, my boss made that snotty snorting sound. After asking what that was all about, he proceeded to tell me that he couldn't believe that I wanted something simple. "why's that?" I asked...and he said (and I quote) "Because I pegged you as the high maintenance type." All I could do was laugh... after regaining my composure I asked him what in the world made him think that. His reasoning was that I was always dressed up, my make-up and hair was always just so (I work in an office. I have to look nice 5 out of 7 days, which are usually the only days he saw me) and I just had an "way" about me that appeared to signal high maintenance. Truth is, I'm more comfortable throwing on a hoodie and jeans sans makeup and just spending the day like that. I hunt, fish, change my own oil, get my hands dirty, all the while- not caring about how I look. I don't know many "high maintenance" girls that do that.
That was the FIRST time. He no longer sees me as that. We hang out periodically now, so he's seen my dress down-no makeup-hair in a ponytail days, and he's gotten to know me more for myself now. I've been pegged a couple more times as such, but they're not worth mentioning. Same sort of story, just different people, and I'm sure it will continue to happen. It's out of my control though. Just like the next peg...

Now, you'd think that after being wrong about the high maintenance thing, he'd stop making assumptions about me... WRONG! I found out that he made another idiodic assumption about me and let it escape his lips in front of a guy that I've been getting to know (and like). This time, I had my friend Danyalle there to call him out on it. Apparently Danyalle was talking to this guy about how she thought I was sweet and funny, etc, etc, etc and that he should get to know me and ask me out because we have a lot of the same moral values. This is when my boss from the video store chirped in again and said "Yeah, she'd make a good girl friend, but I think she'd be rather needy." I wasn't there to hear it, but when Danyalle told me, I was like "WHAT?!?" Again, I had to laugh... I'm far from needy. When I hear needy, I think of a girl that has to be with her man nearly 24/7; he's not allowed a single moment to himself. I also think of someone that plans her life around him and the things HE enjoys; in turn completely losing herself as an individual. That type of girl, I am NOT. In fact, I'm the opposite. While I enjoy spending time with the guy, I also enjoy having some time to hang with MY friends and giving him ample room to hang with his crew, infact, I'm quite independent - just ask my mother. I also know and like who I am as an individual, so there's no need for me to morph into a clone of him. Will I make compromises and request that he do the same? I'm sure. Will I expect him to treat me well when we ARE together? Absolutely. However, that doesn't make me needy.

Lucky for me, Danyalle was there to ask him why he thought that...his response? "I don't know, I just think she seems needy." Yeah. Great excuse; founded on such....idiocy. *rolls eyes* The "guy" is still willing to hang out with me, so he'll realize for himself that my boss was wrong, but the whole pegging thing really annoys me, especially when it's not founded on anything remotely logical.

Oh well, what can ya do....

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Today is officially the first day of spring! (please) BRING ON THE WARM WEATHER!!! =) I am so sick of the cold I could burst....Most of the snow is gone, but there's still a chill in the air and SOME snow left over. I can't wait til we've got leaves on the trees, green grass and sunny days!! After 4 bad months of winter, I'm ready for spring...even the mud. =)


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dare I say?

I might get disowned from my family for saying this, but I think I'm becoming a basketball fan. *gasp*

For those of you who know me, know that my family and I are HUGE wrestling fans (the high school, not TV kind). Growing up I went to countless tournaments and meets for my cousins and then when I got to be the great age of 11, I started working with our middle school wrestling team taking stats and whatnot. The love of the sport followed me into my high school years. I was the manager/statistician from my freshman to my senior year. For those of you who are avid wrestling fans will know that there's always been this dislike between the basketball and wrestling teams (at least in Grant there was). Wrestlers didn't like basketball, and basketballers didn't like wrestling...we just sort of co-existed. lol, no not really. We actually got along with the players, we just didn't much care for the sport. Had you asked me when I was in high school if I wanted to go to basketball game with you, I probably would have laughed and declined. Oh, how the times have changed.

About a month back, I was asked by a couple of the guys from the church if I would be willing to run the scoreboard for basketball league. The only reason I agreed is becauseit would give me something to do on Tuesday nights rather than sit home doing nothing. We're three weeks into in and I'm finding that I'm beginning to enjoy the sport. The more I understand it and the plays, the more I get into it. It's more than just running across the court and shooting a wrinkled orange ball into a round hole. They run....A LOT, and when there are 4 or 5 guys jumping on one man in order to prevent him from making a shot, I can see what makes making the shot so difficult. That and there are SO many way to get penalized; or lose the ball to the other team.

Now before I give a family member a heart attack or something let me state that I'm NOT saying that I LOVE basketball and would pick IT over wrestling. I'm just saying that I think I can squeeze it into the sports I enjoy watching (live).

Monday, March 17, 2008

Trying to Stay Positive

About three weeks ago, I started my new healthy lifestyle. I decided it was time to take control of my weight, my diabetes, and my life. I've been trying my best to really pay attention to the things I'm eating, and also the portions, as well as working out everyday (except Saturdays and Sundays). I've been doing pretty well for the most part. I'm enjoying the gym visits, and I'm REALLY enjoying the time alone when I go for a run down our road. The only thing I'm NOT enjoying is the discouragement.

I'm not alone in this lifestyle change. I've actually been doing this with my best friend Rachelle and her mom. Well, we were all together this weekend and Rachelle told me that over the last 3 weeks, she's lost 8 pounds and her mom said that she's lost 4. That's when the discouragement kicked in. The first week was good, I thought I was gaining progress because when I stepped on the scale, it was down a pound and a half. Then at the end of the third week, it hadn't moved one ounce. I've been consistant in working out and eating healthier but I'm not seeing a change. It's times like these that I get really sick of having diabetes. When I was in high school (before diabetes) I lost 45 pounds by doing what I'm doing now, averaging about 3 pounds a week, but since being diagnosed, it's been nearly impossible for me to lose it. To be honest, I don't understand what makes it so hard for people with diabetes to lose weight. I know that in the end (whether I lose or not) I will be healthier and I keep telling myself that, but when you've struggled as long as I have with my weight, you really want to see a reduction when you're working your butt off to drop a few. It just gets so discouraging.

With that said, I'm still going to commit myself to this change, because it will make me healthier, even if it doesn't make me skinnier.

Friday, March 07, 2008

7 Years in the Making!!

May 14, 2001 my friendship with a girl name Tiffany Lynn Taylor began. At that time, I was big into the whole "chat room" thing (way before MySpace and Facebook). There were some guys hassling this girl and I just dropped a comment saying "Ignore them, guys are jerks." With that, she sent me an IM. From there we just started talking. We clicked on so many levels; the only downside - she was from New York, I am from Michigan. We really wanted to exchange information but both of our parents refused that request. Still leary of online predators and whatnot they told us we would have to wait atleast six months, get to know each other a little more first. So, six months passed and I asked my parents if I could give her my address...they gave me permission, under a few conditions, it had to be through MSN IM, they were going to be standing there when I did it, and she had to send hers at the same time. We finally got each other's addresses and the letters began. Sad to say, I no longer have those letters; at her request, I burned them. Anyway, we started writing, sending cards, sending pictures, etc. She became one of the few people I could truly open my heart to. She was there when MY grandma and three of my friends died. I was there when her grandparents died and other things happened. I don't know if it's the distance that gives us the courage to be so open, or if it's just because we really do just understand each other REGARDLESS of the distance, but whatever it is, I don't hold things back from her, nor she from me. She has truly become my best friend.

Some people say that it's impossible to be a "best friend" if you've never met. I tell them they're wrong. It's all about the connection. I even get laughed at when I talk about it. One particular guy at work always makes a joke about me being "too old to have a pen-pal." I tell him the same thing everytime...she's not my pen pal, she's my best friend, but if meeting her is the only way to set our friendship "in stone" then that day has come....and I couldn't be more excited.

In June, with my cousin and her friend, I will be heading out to New York to meet my best friend. After 7 years of dreaming about this day, it's finally going to become a reality. I know her and she really knows me, but I still keep asking myself...."what am I going to say, how am I going to react when I meet her?" There are a million things running through my mind, but I think I know deep down, that we're just gonna pick up as though there's never been a distance between us. Another bonus to this adventure is that she will have a little ankle-biter for me to meet when I get there. She's due to have her son May 14, 2008. Now the cool thing about that is, well, scroll back up and read the first line of this blog....done? Then you'll realize that May 14 is the same day our friendship started, only 7 years back. Coincidence? Maybe...maybe not, but VERY COOL in my book.

In so many ways and for so many reasons, I can't wait for June to get here. I can't wait to finally hug my best friend, maybe even have a coffee with her. All the things we've dreamed of doing together...we'll actually have that chance. Yes, it may only be for a few days, but those few days with my best friend will last me a lifetime. She's the greatest friend (truly) that's come into my life, and at the times I've needed her the most, she been there. She's always honest with me (once in awhile, brutally) and she's also always been so encouraging and supportive. I hope I've been the same way with her. So here I am, counting down the days til I meet my best friend; Tiffany Lynn Taylor. It should be fun.