Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today is so wonderful. It's 58 degrees with blue skies, sunshine, and very little snow left on the ground. Not something we usually have on a normal day in February, here in Michigan. I went out on my lunch and it was so refreshing; a little windy, but still refreshing.

It makes me wish for Spring to come a little sooner...

Friday, February 06, 2009

I'm Beyond Disturbed...

Abortion: one of the few topics that can really get my blood pressure up. I find it to be wrong on so many levels and then, today, I read this.

This post isn't to get a debate going about whether you think it's wrong or right (though if you really want to have that discussion, I'd be more than willing to sit down with you sometime...), but it's definitely a vent for me.
I sat there reading that article with my mouth hanging open!! HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THAT??? I would personally hold the doctor, the moron that tossed the baby out (just typing that turns my stomach), and the mother all accountable! Yes, even the mother. She's filed a lawsuit against the clinic (which I can understand), but she was still alert. Why didn't she speak up? Why didn't she DO or SAY something to make that employee stop?!?! I DON'T GET IT! IT WAS A BABY! A LIVING HUMAN BEING! The article says, "Williams struggled with the decision to have an abortion," and "'She came face to face with a human being....And that changed everything.' " Did it? Really? Then why didn't she do more? And how could the guy that tossed her (the baby) justify what he was doing? Is he so inhumane that he thinks this was okay? I know I'm already going off on a rant here, but let me point something else out that really bothers me. Williams (the mother) went to the clinic because "'She concluded she didn't have the resources or maturity to raise a child.'" Now, I don't judge you if you're sexually active, I don't judge you if you're "pro-choice," (though I'm likely to debate you on it...), and I won't judge you if you are thinking of having, or would have, an abortion (though I'd be likely to try to talk you out of it), but I have a HUGE problem with girls that get an abortion because they don't have the "resources or maturity" to raise a child. THEN WHY WERE YOU HAVING SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?! It's a logical question. There's always a chance of pregnancy when you're messing around. If you're going to do it, protect yourself or prepare yourself for the responsibility that comes with it and if that time comes, either take responsiblilty or GIVE THE BABY UP! There are SO many couples out there that can't have children of their own and by aborting a child, you're just taking away another chance of theirs to have a family.

I could seriously go on forever, but I'll spare you.

I cringe because 30 babies are aborted (killed) per second in the U.S...

But I smile because my mother chose ME!

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

That's Just How It Is...

Before I get into this post, I just want to say that I don't question my decision, I'm just curious as to how the rest of you would have responded. I'd like to know if you agree with my stand or not.

So here goes:
Yesterday, I had been trying to get a hold of my friend (let's call her Jane) but for some reason, I wasn't getting a response. So, being the clever person I am, I decided I was going to text her boyfriend and see if her phone was dead or something. Like 5 minutes later, I got a phone call from her (go figure). Later that day her boyfriend (let's just call him Joe) texted me and below is how the convo went (the first two are from memory because I somehow deleted them):
Joe: What? You can only text me when you need to get ahold of Jane? I see how it is.
Me: Oh stop being a baby! lol. I'm just more comfortable texting Jane. I always feel weird when I text or call my friends' significant others.
(actual texts below)
J: hmmmm.. be that way.
M: fine. I will. =)
J: So that means we aren't friends so if we ever see eachother, don't look or talk to me, cause i'm just a significant other.
M: No. I didn't say that. I just feel weird when I have to call or text them. It's weird...I know, but that's just me. I love talkin to ya & whatnot when I see ya...I can't explain it. But way to go for making me feel bad. lol
J: And saying im not ur friend makes me feel good?? Fine, I can play woman games too.
M: I didn't say you weren't my friend!! You are...but let me ask you this...do you call or text your best friends gf randomly??
From there, he didn't really answer my question. He said something about he being his own best friend, so yes, because Jane was his "best friends" girl. And then I think he arrived at work, so I didn't hear back from him. This conversation, however, made me want to explain myself a little better, which is why I'm here.
First off, no, I don't randomly call or text my friends' boyfriends. Just like I don't go out of my way to call and text the male friends of mine that have girlfriends. I personally feel it's innappropriate. Why, you might ask? Because we girls are funny creatures and when we find out that our boyfriends are talking via phone with another girl (who happens to be single), some of us tend to get on the defensive and assume things. Granted, not all, but many, and I refuse put any of my friends in that sort of situation. Just because I won't text or call you like I do my other friends doesn't mean I'm not your friend. I'll talk to you, give you hard time, comment you on the oh-so-popular networking sites like I would any other friend, but I will NOT text or call you and I won't be alone with you in any situation. I've sat out in the car before, waiting for one of my girlfriends to get home, because I wasn't comfortable sitting in the house alone with her husband. I absolutely adore her husband. He's an incredible guy, loves her to death, and is a great friend all around, but I wasn't comfortable being alone in the house with just him. Call me weird, but that's just how I am. I know all of my friends trust me, and I know they trust their husband/boyfriends, but I still don't want to be in the sort of situation that would cause any doubt. As I stated earlier, it's not just with my girlfriends' boyfriends - it also includes my MALE friends that are in a relationship. I just dont' want to go there.
So now that I've given you a long-winded story... What's your opinion? Does it all make sense or am I just weird?

Me and my two closest friends (since 1st grade).

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

This I Can Handle...

As most you already know, I am not a huge fan of President Obama. I don't agree with the majority of his ideas, morals, plans, etc. However; I did run across an article today that made me smile. It's probably the first idea of his that I would encourage and support.

With all the bailouts going on in this nation, it's about time someone tried to put a lock on ridiculous things (like multi-billion dollar bonuses). My favorite line is "'In ordinary situations where the taxpayers money is not involved, we shouldn't set executive pay,' said Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the top Republican in the Senate Banking Committee. 'But where you've got federal money involved, taxpayers' money involved, TARP money involved, and the way they have spent it, with no accountability, is getting close to being criminal.'" I totally agree!! If they want to take their profit and give every employee a million dollar raise, that's their choice, but when the money is coming off the backs of the taxpayers, then guidelines and restrictions need to be set. I'm hoping this plan goes off without a hitch.

Now if only we could get someone to do something about all of the (part-time) politicians' wages. =)

Monday, February 02, 2009

Footballs and Groundhogs...

Yesterday was Superbowl XLIII. Today is Groundhog Day. Not that they have anything in common, I just thought I'd put it out there for those of you that didn't know. =)

I didn't watch the game last night. I was going to, but a friend that I haven't seen in long time invited me over to hang out with her and her grandbaby, so I did. It was nice, and we had some good conversation. I do have to say though, I was bummed about missing the commercials. They're the BEST part of the whole stinking game! And my team lost. That kind of sucked. I'm a Packers fan, but if they're not in the "big game," I root for the team that everyone expects to lose, unless the two teams are evenly matched, then I root for the team with the better colors (totally girly, I know). My dad told me about the game and I'm quite proud of what the Cardinals did and how they came around, but I was still disappointed that they lost. What can ya do, right?
And Groundhog Day....let me just say that I really don't get how this is a "national holiday." I mean, we're celebrating a day that lets a rodent determine how many more weeks of winter we'll have... Who's bright idea was that?? The whole day cracks me up. What's even funnier is the fact that 40,000 people got up this morning and went out (starting at 3 AM) to watch a rodent look for his shadow when the sun came up. 40,000!!! Hearing that this morning on the radio, I decided to go online and search this day out because there are only 4 things I know about this day.

1. A rodent looks for his shadow and that determines how many more weeks of winter is left.
2. There's a movie in which Bill Murray finds himself living Groundhog Day over and over. I find the movie very funny.
3. We use to color cool pictures in grade school to "celebrate" this day.
4. This tradition has been going on for many, many years.

In my search, I found out that in Punxsutawney, PA (where it originates) they have 4 days worth of "events" to celebrate. 4 days!! I also found out that Phil (the rodent) saw his shadow today, and we have six more weeks of winter, supposedly (they don't live in Michigan, obviously). I stopped "researching" after seeing pictures of the main event, because I just couldn't bear the craziness of it anymore... People actually dressed in costume for this, check the pics out yourself.

Anyway, nothing too thrilling, but those are my thoughts for the day. To all you Cardinal fans, my hearts go out to you. To everyone else: HAPPY RODENT DAY! =)