Friday, September 12, 2008

You Have GOT to be Kidding Me!!!

I don't usually post more than once per day, but on my drive back to work from lunch, I heard Ryan Seacrest on the radio talking about this new book that has come out and it ticked me off SO much, I just HAD to blog about it. The book is written by a new author, Dante Moore and the title of the book is: The Re-Education of the Female." Supposedly, it's a book that guides single women in their quest for a relationship, and how to find a "great catch" and keep him. Before I continue, this man took a whole 7 months **wow! shocker!** (note sarcasm) to "research" it. I haven't read it yet, but from the little I've heard about it, it didn't take much research at all because it seems to be pure opionion of his. There seems to be nothing to support what he claims. So here goes my opinion:

First: I think the man is a less than intelligent human being when it comes to relationships and women (aka: an idiot). The first thing that bothers me about this book is what he has to say about what it takes to find a "great catch" and keep him (what I heard on the radio) : "Your responsibilities (!!) include cooking, staying skinny, wearing sexy things around the house and doing whatever your man tells you to do." He also goes on to say "Here's a little secret ladies: men never really ask for anything. They command...And believe me, what you won't do, ten broads around the corner will." Wait...WHAT?!? There are SO many things wrong with that statement!!!! First, if you're going to write a book to women, you DON'T call them broads. Secondly, if the man that you "catch" is willing to run to the "10 broads around the corner" when his woman isn't willing to bow to his every command, then he's not really a catch!!! **moron** It's call loyalty and commitment. They are essential cornerstones to a great relationship! I could go on with everything wrong with this statement, but I'm going to move on...I can feel my blood pressure rising as we speak, but I think you get my point.

The second thing that bothers me is the fact that he says he would prefer someone "...size 10 or under..." that statement itself doesn't really bother me, because I know that men have their preferences, just like women. So he wants her small...that's fine. However he catorgizes the rest of the male population into his "size 10 or under" catagory by saying "The fatter you get, the more you decrease your potential single-man pool. Let me give you an example. When you go to the grocery store to shop, do you pick out the nastiest-looking, most rotten, smelliest fruit or meat you can find? Oh, you don't? Why not?...It's the same with men when they see baby elephant-sized, out-of-shape women." Unbelievable!! Not only is it degrading to your "audience" of women,. but not ALL men are pigs like that. I know women that eat healthy, exercise, and maintain a nice, clean appearance. However: they are overweight. Just because someone is overweight does not mean she doesn't take care of her self or she is "rotten, smelly and nasty looking." Just a little side note: according to one of the people at his book signing - he himself is a heavyset man. Hypocritical? I would say so. I would really like to meet this man so I can give him a piece of my mind. These are only two things from his book, but I'm sure there is plenty in there to cause a rise in blood pressure in women all around the country....

You're probably going to think I'm crazy (considering my rant above), but I'm actually going to read this book. I want to know what all he says and how off the mark he is. I've not been lucky enough to have a long term relationship yet, but I have seen many successful relationships and marriages around me and none of them require the woman to jump and the man's every order. Each of these relationships have compromise, understanding, honesty, and loyalty, and trust as their cornerstone (after Christ). It's a give and take. That's the way relationships are supposed to be. No commands of any one person. Commands are for dogs, not humans, especially not women. Anyone that would willing enter into a relationship where they have be the man's toy either has no self-esteem or no self-respect. I believe we are worth more than what this man talks about because I have a father and other males in my life that have shown me that, but not every woman has that, so they settle for anything they can get, and unfortunately, sometimes what they settle for ends up being someone like this Dante Moore. I, personally, would rather spend the rest of my life single than settle for something like that.

The Food Court...

We have this thing at work that someone has dubbed the "food court." It's actually the curve in the counter in our office that collects all the "snacks" people bring in. It changes daily and for the season as well. It's actually quite commical. Some days, there will only be chips. Other days it might be something salty as well as something sweet. And then, of course there are days like today that there is a whole plethora of options. **See below**

This is a daily thing at my work, and I have to admit, I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to bringing the stuff in. In the warehouse, some of the guys complain that we're making them fat, yet we continue to bring it in and they continue to eat it. Then we have our health conscious people that say "not today," and yet, half way through the day, you see them making their way to food court for "just a piece." The really sad thing about it...anything that goes on the counter is usually gone within a day or two... What's even sadder: they eat just about anything that goes up there. We've had some pretty questionable stuff go up and there and by the end of the was gone. I'd love to see what would happen to the people here if we went an entire month without someone bringing something in...They'd probably start getting cranky and whatnot...ya know...the whole withdrawl syndrom thing.
Happy Snacking!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Still Remember...

As most of you already know, today is the seventh anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy in New York. Do you remember where you were when it happened? What were you doing when the news broke? I was in my sophmore geometry class when Mr. Solis took the call from our principle. He told us all to close our books and then turned on the TV. We missed the first building, but we watched the second building get hit. I remember a couple kids laughing 'cause they thought it was fake, but more importantly, I rememeber the silence that came over the room when we realized this was really happening. I don't think there was a single soul that didn't talk about it that day, infact, nearly every class I went to that day had the TV on and we watched the clips over and over. We still did our regular study, but a couple of the teachers took the time to discuss the news of that day. They would ask what our thoughts were. What our feelings were. To me, the whole day just felt surreal, but my experience was nothing compared to the people that lived it. The people that were right there when it happened, or lost family members in the collapse, or even the cleanup. I can't imagine what they're still going through today. So, as we go on with our work, school, and play, let's take a moment to remember the lives lost on that day and say a prayer for the family members that their lost loved ones on...

September 11, 2001
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008


So, a few days back, I posted the "No Obama" logo. I wanted to put that out there and at the same time, get my thoughts and opinions lined up before I elaborated. If you don't know, I'm kind of a fan of politics. I enjoy following elections and getting to know the canidates and their positions as much as possible. Some of you may ask where I stand politically- am I a republican? NO. Am I a democrat? NO. I would have to answer that I am a conservative moderate. There are positions that I stand behind on both sides of the party fence, and I believe I keep an open mind towards most positions. I was raised in a Christian conservative household and yes, for awhile I followed along in their beliefs because, well, that's what I was raised around. I didn't know anything else. Back then, if you asked where I stood, I would have proudly said republican. However, after Bush Jr. was elected the second time around, I began to question all the beliefs of the "republican party," and found that I couldn't stand behind everything they believed in. I don't want to stand behind someone that is willing to send thousands of our men and women overseas to die. Yes, I understand that there is good going on over there, but give me hard evidence that shows me that the good outweighs the death toll. DON'T, however, give me the facts that less people died in this war than the wars in the past. I want to see that we have a real purpose there; that my friends over there are risking their lives for a good cause. This is the reason why I have lost the majority of the respect I once had for Bush and the reason why I have a hard time standing behind John McCain. In this regard, they are cut from the same cloth.
I also refuse to stand behind someone that refuses to support the sanctity of life. I understand that women believe they deserve to have a choice. I believe that also - unless that choice means taking the life of another human being, also known as abortion. Who is going to stand up for the one that can't defend itself? This is the MAIN reason why I REFUSE to support Obama. Not only is he Pro-Abortion, (note: I did NOT say pro-choice. He is infact, pro-abortion), but while in the Illinois legistlature, he refused to support a bill that would protect a child that survived a late term abortion. In other words: he refused to support a bill that would allow medical attention to a HUMAN BEING that survived an abortion. Two times he helped block this bill. TWO TIMES!! How many babies had to die because he refused to support it?? It's one thing to be pro-choice or pro-abortion, but it's an etirely different thing to be inhumane. A man that that refuses to save a living, breathing, human being doesn't derserve my vote; regardless of his color, religion, or stand on every other issue. His stand to disregard the life of a human being has caused me to lose every ounce of respect I may have had for him. This is just one of the several issues I have with him. I also have a real problem with his lack of honesty. I have been reading Obama Nation By Jerome R. Corsi and he has shed some serious light Obama. Yes, I know, 98% of politicians are liars, but he stands out above the rest. He has lied over and over and over to make his "case" more appealing to the public. However, Mr. Corsi has hard facts to back up what he claims in the book and it's hard for me not to believe him. These facts prove that Obama is a liar. I'm not going to continue on with my "problems" with Obama...I think you can pretty much figure it out. I just wanted to explain my reasoning for my last post. I'd hate for someone to think I'm an uniformed American that is just spewing off at the mouth. That's not the case at all. I stay well informed, but I have an opionion and I wanted to get it out there.

I'm sure so many of us could go around and around on all of the issues that we have to sift through when it comes to picking a president, and if you want to attack me for my stand, I'm ready. I understand that we as a nation are never going to be in agreement on everything and we're not going to be able to change the beliefs of the other, but that's the great thing about this nation: we have the freedom to make our own choice and stand behind it. I won't judge another for his belief and I would hope he wouldn't judge me for mine because at the end of the day we all have one thing in common: we're all Americans that have a choice; that can speakout without the fear of retaliation or death. For me, as an American, I'm going to use my freedom and vote for the man that is more in line with my beliefs. Who is that man in this election? I'm not sure yet, but one thing I do know is that man is not Obama.