Friday, September 12, 2008

The Food Court...

We have this thing at work that someone has dubbed the "food court." It's actually the curve in the counter in our office that collects all the "snacks" people bring in. It changes daily and for the season as well. It's actually quite commical. Some days, there will only be chips. Other days it might be something salty as well as something sweet. And then, of course there are days like today that there is a whole plethora of options. **See below**

This is a daily thing at my work, and I have to admit, I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to bringing the stuff in. In the warehouse, some of the guys complain that we're making them fat, yet we continue to bring it in and they continue to eat it. Then we have our health conscious people that say "not today," and yet, half way through the day, you see them making their way to food court for "just a piece." The really sad thing about it...anything that goes on the counter is usually gone within a day or two... What's even sadder: they eat just about anything that goes up there. We've had some pretty questionable stuff go up and there and by the end of the was gone. I'd love to see what would happen to the people here if we went an entire month without someone bringing something in...They'd probably start getting cranky and whatnot...ya know...the whole withdrawl syndrom thing.
Happy Snacking!

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