This is the city I was looking forward to the most. From Canada, it took us about 6 hours to get there, however, with the road that Cybil took us down, I think it took a little more, but it was totally worth it. We started out on an expressway (like those in MI), but about an hour into it (and a wrong exit) Cybil directed us down "Highway 8." It was probably the most beautiful highways I've seen in my life. Trees, rocks, clear blue skies, and the road weaved back and forth quite a bit. It was really pretty, but it also caused a lot of laughs. We would approach a sign that said "Town of...." but there would be NO town. NOTHING. We passed those- a lot. Then we're about, oh, 1/2 way there and I realize: I need a "break." HA! Every "village" we came to had NO GAS STATIONS!! What kind of place is that? I swear we traveled over 50 miles before we found a place that looked like it would have a restroom. It was a little grocery type store. I pull up and on the door in big letters "No Public Restrooms." At this point, I'm pretty much miserable. Another 15 miles and we come to a stop light. I say to the girls "If there's a stop light, there must be a real town," sure enough...we turned and there it was. I don't think I've ever been as happy to see a gas station as I was at that moment. =0)
After our little stop, we got back on the road for Plattsburgh. Like I said, the trip there was 6 hours, but they seemed to go by pretty quickly. That is, until we reached the sign that said "Plattsburgh 35 Miles." I think those were the longest 35 miles EVER. By the time I reached that sign, I was ready to be there. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening.
We got to our hotel, settled in and then walked across the street to Walmart. Funny thing happened while we there. When Jessie and I went up to get a cart, we saw Tiffany and her mom standing in the checkout!! It was crazy, and a bit awkward because it was totally unexpected. We talked a little bit and then they left. The next day Jessie, Theresa, Tiffany, Christina (Tiff's cousin) and I all hung out. First the mall then a cute little pizza joint, then the playground. We had a TON of fun there. I'd go into all the funny details, but this post would go on forever.

The following day (Tuesday) Tiffany and I hung out on our own. We left the hotel and went to a little place called "Michigan's Plus," and we ordered a "Michigan" (it's pretty much a chili dog). After that we went back to her house to pick up her baby Carlos and then went and rented a couple videos and she showed me around her town (her old High School, hang outs, etc). We spent the rest of the evening hanging out like old friends. It was really nice and it all ended too soon. When you spend 7 years working up to this point, 2 days just isn't enough. I've had people ask me: "Is she what you expected?" or "Is she the same in person as in the letters and emails?" The answer to both is YES. We've built a friendship over the years, we've been very honest with each other, and she's the same girl in person as she is on paper or email. I can't wait until the next time we're able to visit each other. Til then, we'll go back to the good 'ol electronic mail.
I almost forgot to mention: Her parents are two of the sweetest people I've met. From the first second I met her dad, he made me feel very welcome, and the same thing with her mom. It makes it that much harder to leave when you get along with everyone in her life that you meet.
Up Next: Newark, New Jersey / New York, New York
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