For those of you that don't know, the main point of this trip was to meet my best friend Tiffany in New York. I've posted the link to the blog that explains it all... =0)
I chose Jessie (my cousin) and Theresa (her friend) to travel with. We pulled out on the 13th of June with our GPS (aka: Cybil) hooked up and our car loaded down; we were ready to go.
First Stop: Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
American Falls from above
American Falls from the ground
The trip there was, for the most part, uneventful. We had a couple rain showers and an accident, oh, and we named our GPS. If you've ever had a GPS, you know that they can be kind of cranky. With the one we were using, we were trying to locate a gas station. Well, the gas station "she" led us to no longer existed, so I turned down the road and was looking for a drive to turn around in. All of a sudden she starts saying, "make a U-Turn when possible, make a U-Turn when possible" over and over and over (until we silenced her). And she has this funky british accent, so from that point on I called her Cybil because I figured that at any given minute she was gonna jump out and kill us all. Horseshoe (Canadian) Falls from above.
Horseshoe Falls from the ground.
So, we get to our hotel at about 3am and go to sleep, only to get up at 8 the next morning. WAY TOO EARLY!! We all got around and headed out to the Niagara Falls. First, we went on the Sky Tower and was able to see the falls and pretty much the entire town from up there. It was an amazing view. If you've never seen the falls, I suggest you take a trip there to see them. The really are breathtaking. After that, we went back down to the ground and walked about 2 miles to the Maid of the Mist. It's a boat that takes you right up next to the falls, and let me tell end up SOAKED, but it's a ton of fun.
Following that, we just walked around town a little, bought some stuff, and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. It was my first time eating there and I found it to be pretty cool. I got my picture taken with the frog that walks around, but he got mad at me because I wouldn't do the Macarena with him...oh well. =0) We then proceeded to walk around a little more and then decided we were getting tired and it was time to go back to the hotel, so we walked the 2 miles back to the sky tower and left.
With all of the things we did, all of the little inside jokes, and all of the funny things that happened, Canada was great, but I was disappointed by just one thing: Canadians don't always use the word 'eh.' In fact, the entire time we were there, not a single one said it. lol =0)
Next Stop: Plattsburgh, New York
Great pics! I'm looking forward to more. The Cybil thing made me LOL. I've been to the Rainforest Cafe in Chicago - they ARE cool!
Thanks! I will try to post them every few days until it's all done. That was my first time at a Rainforest Cafe...I think it would be something fun to take my nieces and nephews to. They'd have a BLAST!. =0)
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