Ever been pegged as being something you 100% are not?? Yeah, me too. More recently, I've been getting that from a few people I know. My only question is, who else are they telling this to? I mean, it's not like I care that they're saying it because to be honest - it won't have some horrible affect on me, but it's still annoying.
The thing I get pegged with the most is "High Maintenance." The first time I heard this one was about a year ago when I was working at the video store. I was working with my boss and another girl, and we started talking about engagement rings. She was saying something about wanting a big rock and having an idea of what her dream ring looked like (I don't remember the exact wording...it's been awhile since the coversation). I told her that I wanted something small and simple. I told her I wanted a three stone engagement ring and a diamond wedding band, but I didn't want anything too big or flashy. When I said that, my boss made that snotty snorting sound. After asking what that was all about, he proceeded to tell me that he couldn't believe that I wanted something simple.
"why's that?" I asked...and he said (and I quote)
"Because I pegged you as the high maintenance type." All I could do was laugh... after regaining my composure I asked him what in the world made him think that. His reasoning was that I was always dressed up, my make-up and hair was always just so (I work in an office. I have to look nice 5 out of 7 days, which are usually the only days he saw me) and I just had an "way" about me that appeared to signal
high maintenance. Truth is, I'm more comfortable throwing on a hoodie and jeans sans makeup and just spending the day like that. I hunt, fish, change my own oil, get my hands dirty, all the while- not caring about how I look. I don't know many "high maintenance" girls that do that.
That was the FIRST time. He no longer sees me as that. We hang out periodically now, so he's seen my dress down-no makeup-hair in a ponytail days, and he's gotten to know me more for myself now. I've been pegged a couple more times as such, but they're not worth mentioning. Same sort of story, just different people, and I'm sure it will continue to happen. It's out of my control though. Just like the next peg...
Now, you'd think that after being wrong about the high maintenance thing, he'd stop making assumptions about me... WRONG! I found out that he made another idiodic assumption about me and let it escape his lips in front of a guy that I've been getting to know (and like). This time, I had my friend Danyalle there to call him out on it. Apparently Danyalle was talking to this guy about how she thought I was sweet and funny, etc, etc, etc and that he should get to know me and ask me out because we have a lot of the same moral values. This is when my boss from the video store chirped in again and said
"Yeah, she'd make a good girl friend, but I think she'd be rather needy." I wasn't there to hear it, but when Danyalle told me, I was like
"WHAT?!?" Again, I had to laugh... I'm far from needy. When I hear needy, I think of a girl that has to be with her man nearly 24/7; he's not allowed a single moment to himself. I also think of someone that plans her life around him and the things HE enjoys; in turn completely losing herself as an individual. That type of girl, I am NOT. In fact, I'm the opposite. While I enjoy spending time with the guy, I also enjoy having some time to hang with MY friends and giving him ample room to hang with his crew, infact, I'm
quite independent - just ask my mother. I also know and like who I am as an individual, so there's no need for me to morph into a clone of him. Will I make compromises and request that he do the same? I'm sure. Will I expect him to treat me well when we ARE together? Absolutely. However, that doesn't make me needy.
Lucky for me, Danyalle was there to ask him why he thought that...his response?
"I don't know, I just think she seems needy." Yeah. Great excuse; founded on such....idiocy. *rolls eyes* The "guy" is still willing to hang out with me, so he'll realize for himself that my boss was wrong, but the whole pegging thing really annoys me, especially when it's not founded on anything remotely logical.
Oh well, what can ya do....