The Duggars. I'm sure you've heard that name before. If not, let me fill you in. They got a reality TV show called "17 and counting." Now they're up to 19. That's not all.... THEY WANT ANOTHER!! This is wrong for MANY reasons!
Number ONE
They already have 19. Should I have to say any more???
Number TWO
She is 43. Not that age should be a big deal, but there are already signs that her body has had enough. The last baby, baby 19, was born 3 months premature. Why? Because Mommy Dearest Duggar had pre-eclampsia! The poor child spent the first six months of her life in a hospital with many life threatening issues including a perforated bowel. Which brings me to:
Number THREE
It's not fair to the children that you're bringing into this world if they're going to have a life full of medical issues because of your selfishness.
Am I being harsh? Probably, but I don't care!! I'm all for family values and seeing children as God's blessing, but there has got to come a point when you decide that enough is enough and you start taking into consideration the health of yourself and your children. Personally, I think this has become more of a selfishness issue than anything else. They've made money off of their situation and we all know that they'll make more the more children they have. Why the heck do you think "and counting" is at the end of their show title? I think it's sick and shameful. Take care of your children and get off TV and out of the magazines. Think about the health and lives of those children rather than the green you may see. Yes, God wants us to bring life into this world, but at the same time, he created the human that created birth control...See THAT as one of His many wonderful blessings as well!!
My issue with these mega families is simple - why bring 19 children in to the world when there are millions who are truly orphaned and adoptable. I don't think everyone is called to adopt BUT I also have a hard time believing God is truly calling them to continuously reproduce, especially when they're getting to a point where her body is obviously not doing well with it.
I also think it's ridiculous that they have so many kids that they are completely dependent on the other daughters to raise the younger kids. Yes, helping in a family is one thing and is expected and normal. But leaving complete care to another child while you continue reproducing is basically child labor.
I TOTALLY agree with EVERYTHING you just said! I was kinda hoping you'd comment! ;)
On the one hand, I don't like judging people who have unconventional families because hello! And welcome to my unconventional family!
But on the other hand, they are living a very public life and knowingly opening themselves up to public scrutiny so, you know, there's that.
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