This one is going to be short and sweet...Can't really elaborate on this thought rolling around in my head.
Over the course of a couple years, I've come to the conclusion that I don't want children. So much so, that I've considered having my tubes tied. No joke. When I brought it up, I was told that nearly every doctor would deny me that. I wouldn't be approved for that because of my age. It would take A LOT of searching to find one that would. That's what got me thinkin...
Why, in this day and age, is it okay to get knocked up (some being younger than me), decide you're "not ready" and then have your baby murdered and removed from your body (with plenty of willing doctors to do the procedure), but it's NOT okay to prevent oneself (who is fully capable of handling the emotional effects) from ever getting pregnant in the first place? Aren't we living in a day of "choice?" I mean, if we're not allowed to deny someone their "choice" to murder their growing baby, then no one should be able to deny me my "choice" to prevent a growing baby. Am I wrong in this thinking??
I'd love to hear other opinions. Even if I've offended you with the way I referred to abortion. I have no apology for that.
Since this question isn't about abortion, I'm going to leave my opinions regarding that alone. :-)
I am completely on your side with this one. I think reproductive choice means ALL reproductive freedoms should be allowed (with exception of late term abortions. that's awful.)If one is legally old enough to be considered consenting of sexual activity, one should also be considered old enough to make a choice about their reproductive rights.
This isn't relevant to this particular conversation but I'm really curious about you not wanting to have children. It surprises me. Obviously I think you're intelligent enough to have made up your own mind about such things and I respect the choice you've made but it surprises me.
The thing I think is crap with all of this is that insurance companies charge women our age more because we're of "child bearing age." Even though I'm infertile, well documented as such in all my medical history, we still pay almost double for my insurance because I'm of that magical baby creating age. How ridiculous is that!?
Thanks. =)
I would understand the denial if the person of "consenting age" was 18 or 19. Most girls that age don't have the emotional maturity to handle a decision like that. And I'm not saying twenty-(something)is SO much more emotionally mature than the 19 year old, but I do believe I've lived enough and matured enough to *rationally* come to my conclusion and shouldn't be denied the choice by anyone. Would I regret it down the road? MAYBE...but that's something I, myself, would have to come to terms with. Not society and not some doctor.
There are many factors that play into my decision. The whole pregnancy thing is off the table, but if the right man comes along, I might be open to adoption. But even that is a big MIGHT right now. I'll have to email or FB you sometime about my reasons. I don't mind sharing, but not here. =)
I think that's total B.S! I can honestly say I didn't know that little fact. And you'd think that with the documentation of your infertility, it would go down. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but if a smoker quits smoking, their insurance usually goes down. Why should it be any different for you?
I say it's because we live in such a double standard society...
That's my conclusion. =)
WOW i <3 u! You keep @ it girl...being who God has created you to be!
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