Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Just So You're Aware...

Let me use this post to clear a few things up for *you...

Just because someone has diabetes doesn't mean they are unhealthy!

I'm sure what was said today wasn't meant in the way that it was taken, but it got me going. I'm cool now (for the most part), but I was pretty pissed when you said it. I'm now here to clear some things up for you about my health.

Yes, I have diabetes. Yes, I'm overweight, but overall I am healthy. My cholesterol levels are perfect every single time they're checked. My blood pressure is always spot on (if not a tad low). My lungs are healthy, and all of my organs still function properly (minus the pancreas...obviously). I pay attention to what I eat and try to avoid the processed and "junk" food as much as possible. Am I human and give in from time to time? Absolutely! Does that make me unhealthy? Absolutely not! Sure, I could change a few things, I won't deny that. I could work on getting more sleep and become more active. I'll admit that. But all in all, I'm a healthy 25 year old.

9 years ago, when I was maxed out at nearly 300 pounds, anyone would've had the right to call me unhealthy. Bad cholesterol, bad blood pressure, bad eating habits, bad EVERYTHING! But today?? Absolutely not!! And you were out of line for even saying so. Even if I was the smallest twig in the world, chances are I'd still have diabetes. The diabetes I have is NOT caused by weight, it's caused my genetic makeup. And the weight thing? I don't know if you were even referring to that, but let me make one thing clear. I've come a long freaking way and I'm not going to let your stupid little comment affect my progress. You don't live my life and you don't know my habits, you know I have diabetes. That's it! And having diabetes doesn't make me unhealthy. So stick that in your juice box and suck it!

*The 'you' that this is aimed toward will forever remain anonymous. He'll never, ever see this blog, but I still needed to get it off my chest.

Happy/non-abrasive post coming tomorrow.... =)


Ae (Otherwise Known as Amber) said...

Why that no good, dirty rotten, clueless, sadly mistaken poop! Lemme at 'im!!!!

You are much healthier than many twiggy people that I know and you have an emotional strength that far too few people have. Keep your head high - he's obviously not worth further consideration. Nor are his comments.

Love you!

Kait said...

I have to admit, this broke my heart a little. Mainly for you because the judgment that was passed on your life was unfair, unsound, and just plain rude. Also because you have come SO far and you look so amazing now and you seem so much more content with yourself than you ever did before.

But, selfishly, it broke my heart because one of our sons has a chronic but manageable disease. He will have it for the rest of his life. It was not something he did to himself - it was unfortunate circumstances that he will bear for the rest of his life. I'm scared of how people will judge him when they know. I have to say though, one thing you told me once was that you were diabetic but diabetes wasn't who you were. I'm hoping we can pass that same attitude to our son.

I'm sorry someone was a jerk. Kick them in the shins next time.

Leah Brianne said...

Thank you to both of you! It's good to know there are people out there that have my back. =) Now that I'm calm, I'll probably have a talk with him the next time I get an opportunity. You know, be the adult and COMMUNICATE. He might not have realized how his comment came across, so I'll kindly let him know. If it happens again though, I'll release Amber on him and kick him in the shins at the same time. =P

As far as your son goes Kait, continuously remind him that he is not his illness. He may come up against that once in awhile...where he feels like his illness defines him, but you and David are great parents and I can't see you letting your child believe that about himself.