Abortion: one of the few topics that can really get my blood pressure up. I find it to be wrong on so many levels and then, today, I read this.
This post isn't to get a debate going about whether you think it's wrong or right (though if you really want to have that discussion, I'd be more than willing to sit down with you sometime...), but it's definitely a vent for me.
I sat there reading that article with my mouth hanging open!! HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THAT??? I would personally hold the doctor, the moron that tossed the baby out (just typing that turns my stomach), and the mother all accountable! Yes, even the mother. She's filed a lawsuit against the clinic (which I can understand), but she was still alert. Why didn't she speak up? Why didn't she DO or SAY something to make that employee stop?!?! I DON'T GET IT! IT WAS A BABY! A LIVING HUMAN BEING! The article says, "Williams struggled with the decision to have an abortion," and "'She came face to face with a human being....And that changed everything.' " Did it? Really? Then why didn't she do more? And how could the guy that tossed her (the baby) justify what he was doing? Is he so inhumane that he thinks this was okay? I know I'm already going off on a rant here, but let me point something else out that really bothers me. Williams (the mother) went to the clinic because "'She concluded she didn't have the resources or maturity to raise a child.'" Now, I don't judge you if you're sexually active, I don't judge you if you're "pro-choice," (though I'm likely to debate you on it...), and I won't judge you if you are thinking of having, or would have, an abortion (though I'd be likely to try to talk you out of it), but I have a HUGE problem with girls that get an abortion because they don't have the "resources or maturity" to raise a child. THEN WHY WERE YOU HAVING SEX IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?! It's a logical question. There's always a chance of pregnancy when you're messing around. If you're going to do it, protect yourself or prepare yourself for the responsibility that comes with it and if that time comes, either take responsiblilty or GIVE THE BABY UP! There are SO many couples out there that can't have children of their own and by aborting a child, you're just taking away another chance of theirs to have a family.
I could seriously go on forever, but I'll spare you.
I cringe because 30 babies are aborted (killed) per second in the U.S...

But I smile because my mother chose ME!
Have a Blessed Day!
I was also very frustrated, sad, sickened, and mad when I had read this article. Unfortunately, this happens more than it's reported on. I had a friend that this happened to when she was in medical training about 20+ years ago. One other thing that I don't get: when a pregnant women is murdered, her killer is accused of TWO deaths! Why is that baby all of a sudden a human life now? I'm so frustrated with this world and look forward to Glory!
Okay, I will say that I am absolutely pro choice but very rarely pro abortion. We can talk about why I think the adoption vs abortion talk is crap or why I'm pro choice if you'd like, but I just thought you deserved that heads up. Still, this absolutely disgusts me. Even more than that, it unnerves me that they are that careless with a child and with the mothers emotions. This 18 year old, after struggling with this decision, went through a likely emotional and traumatic experience birthing her child at 23 weeks. To see them throw the baby out like that was probably the biggest nightmare of this 18 year olds life.
This is a horrible, tragic, disgusting thing.
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