Dear Mr. I Must Wear Sunglasses Indoors Becuase I Think I'm Cool:
You're not. Don't get me wrong...your sunglasses were hot, and you weren't too bad yourself, but REALLY? I totally get that you want to show off your Ray Bans, but they are sunglasses. Repeat with me... SUNglasses. Yes...SUNglasses...which means when it's cloudy and grey outside, YOU. DON'T. NEED THEM! And if you come indoors on a cloudy grey day, you DEFINITELY don't need them.
Let me state for the record again, you were hot, but something about you keeping your sunglasses on while you were inside totally voided out that hotness. So unless you come into my store with Jon Bon Jovi (the ONE man that I'd totally give a 'sunglasses indoors' pass to), please take 'em off. They make you look like a douche.
Thank you and Sincerely,
The Girl Behind the Counter That Thinks You Look Like a Fool.